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Newcastle Disease

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Disease relevance of Newcastle Disease


High impact information on Newcastle Disease


Chemical compound and disease context of Newcastle Disease


Biological context of Newcastle Disease


Anatomical context of Newcastle Disease


Gene context of Newcastle Disease

  • Except for a significant reduction in IFN-alpha release stimulated by Newcastle disease virus (NDV), IFN productions induced by other mitogens (phytohemagglutinin, PHA; Concanavalin A, ConA; pokeweed mitogen, PWM) and viral antigens were within normal range [26].
  • SMC treated with poly(I):poly(C) or Newcastle Disease virus elaborated biologically active IFN-beta as well [27].
  • IL-2-induced secretion of mediators was compared with that following stimulation with lipopolisaccharide (LPS; 5 micrograms/ml) or Newcastle disease virus (NDV; 640 HU/ml) [28].
  • To test this hypothesis, L929 cells were infected with Newcastle disease virus (NDV), which led to the induction of IL-15 mRNA and protein expression [29].
  • The independent expression of C or V inhibited the double-stranded (ds) RNA- or Newcastle disease virus (NDV)-induced activation of IRF-3 and NF-kappa B, as well as the IFN-beta promoter [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Newcastle Disease


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