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Nrcam  -  neuronal cell adhesion molecule

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Bravo, C030017F07Rik, C130076O07Rik, Kiaa0343, Neuronal cell adhesion molecule, ...
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High impact information on Nrcam

  • Here, we show that the cell adhesion molecule Nr-CAM is expressed by RGCs that project contralaterally and is critical for the guidance of late-born RGCs within the VTC [1].
  • Blocking Nr-CAM function causes an increase in the size of the ipsilateral projection and reduces neurite outgrowth on chiasm cells in an age- and region-specific manner [1].
  • A role for Nr-CAM in the patterning of binocular visual pathways [1].
  • Finally, we demonstrate that EphB1/ephrin-B2-mediated repulsion and Nr-CAM-mediated attraction comprise distinct molecular programs that each contributes to the proper formation of binocular visual pathways [1].
  • NrCAM, an immunoglobulin superfamily adhesion molecule of the L1 subfamily, associates with neuropilin-2 and is a component of a receptor complex for Sema3B and Sema3F [2].

Biological context of Nrcam

  • NrCAM, a member of the L1 family of cell adhesion molecules, serves important functions during the development of the nervous system, e.g. in adhesion-dependent processes such as neurite outgrowth and axonal pathfinding [3].

Anatomical context of Nrcam

  • In summary, our results confirm a functional PDZ domain binding motif at the carboxy-terminus of NrCAM and support potential functions of NrCAM during the assembly of highly organized protein complexes at the cell membrane [3].
  • We show that NrCAM and SAP97 are colocalized, e.g. within photoreceptor terminals of the mammalian retina [3].
  • In transfected COS-7 cells, NrCAM-mediated recruitment of SAP97 to the plasma membrane was dependent on the PDZ binding motif [3].

Other interactions of Nrcam

  • In contrast to NrCAM, the intracellular domains of the other mammalian L1 family molecules, e.g. L1, CHL1 and Neurofascin, did not interact with these PDZ domains [3].
  • Additionally, anti-L1 antibodies specifically disrupted survival and maintenance of Nr-CAM-deficient granule cells in cerebellar cultures treated with antibodies [4].


  1. A role for Nr-CAM in the patterning of binocular visual pathways. Williams, S.E., Grumet, M., Colman, D.R., Henkemeyer, M., Mason, C.A., Sakurai, T. Neuron (2006) [Pubmed]
  2. Dual functional activity of semaphorin 3B is required for positioning the anterior commissure. Falk, J., Julien, F., Bechara, A., Fiore, R., Nawabi, H., Zhou, H., Hoyo-Becerra, C., Bozon, M., Rougon, G., Grumet, M., Püschel, A.W., Sanes, J.R., Castellani, V. Neuron (2005) [Pubmed]
  3. The cytoplasmic domain of NrCAM binds to PDZ domains of synapse-associated proteins SAP90/PSD95 and SAP97. Dirks, P., Thomas, U., Montag, D. Eur. J. Neurosci. (2006) [Pubmed]
  4. Overlapping functions of the cell adhesion molecules Nr-CAM and L1 in cerebellar granule cell development. Sakurai, T., Lustig, M., Babiarz, J., Furley, A.J., Tait, S., Brophy, P.J., Brown, S.A., Brown, L.Y., Mason, C.A., Grumet, M. J. Cell Biol. (2001) [Pubmed]
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