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Gene Review

sox9-a  -  SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9

Xenopus laevis

Synonyms: cmd1, cmpd1, sox-9, sox9, sra1
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Disease relevance of SOX9

  • By whole-mount in situ hybridization, Sox9 was first detected at stage 25 in the pancreatic anlagen--dorsally in the prospective foregut and ventrally on each side of the liver diverticulum [1].
  • Noggin overexpression by recombinant adenovirus infection reduced Sox9, patched, Ihh, and type II, X, and XI collagen mRNA expression levels in C1 cell aggregates that were induced to differentiate into chondrocyte lineage by culturing in differentiation medium [2].

High impact information on SOX9

  • At the molecular level, downregulation of Ras-dva inhibits the expression of several regulators of the anterior neural plate and folds patterning, such as Otx2, BF-1 (also known as Foxg1), Xag2, Pax6, Slug and Sox9, and interferes with FGF8 signaling within the anterior ectoderm [3].
  • Sox9 otic expression is initiated shortly after gastrulation in the sensory layer of the ectoderm, in a bilateral patch of cells immediately adjacent to the cranial neural crest [4].
  • We report the functional analysis of Sox9 during development of Xenopus inner ear [4].
  • Using a recombination assay, we show that prospective paraxial mesoderm induces a panel of neural crest markers (Slug, FoxD3, Zic5 and Sox9), whereas the future axial mesoderm only induces a subset of these genes [5].
  • Here we report the expression pattern of Sox9, a member of the Sox family of transcription factors, during development of the Xenopus pancreas and compare its expression to that of a well characterized pancreatic marker, Pdx1 [1].

Anatomical context of SOX9

  • As development proceeds, Sox9 expression can be used to trace the development of the dorsal and ventral pancreatic buds and their repositioning associated with the dynamic movements of the gastrointestinal tract [1].
  • However, while Pdx1 is expressed in both the pancreatic buds and the duodenum, Sox9 was restricted to ventral and dorsal pancreatic buds [1].


  1. Sox9, a novel pancreatic marker in Xenopus. Lee, Y.H., Saint-Jeannet, J.P. Int. J. Dev. Biol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  2. Noggin inhibits chondrogenic but not osteogenic differentiation in mesodermal stem cell line C1 and skeletal cells. Nifuji, A., Kellermann, O., Noda, M. Endocrinology (2004) [Pubmed]
  3. Ras-dva, a member of novel family of small GTPases, is required for the anterior ectoderm patterning in the Xenopus laevis embryo. Tereshina, M.B., Zaraisky, A.G., Novoselov, V.V. Development (2006) [Pubmed]
  4. Specification of the otic placode depends on Sox9 function in Xenopus. Saint-Germain, N., Lee, Y.H., Zhang, Y., Sargent, T.D., Saint-Jeannet, J.P. Development (2004) [Pubmed]
  5. Neural crest induction by paraxial mesoderm in Xenopus embryos requires FGF signals. Monsoro-Burq, A.H., Fletcher, R.B., Harland, R.M. Development (2003) [Pubmed]
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