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Gene Review

FABP1  -  fatty acid binding protein 1, liver

Canis lupus familiaris

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Disease relevance of FABP1

  • No significant differences in the effects of chemical anoxia or oleate were observed between non-transfected, mock-transfected and FABP-cDNA-transfected cells [1].

High impact information on FABP1

  • Cardiac myocytes contain a basic (pI approximately 9.1) 40-kD plasma membrane fatty acid binding protein (FABPPM) analogous to those recently isolated from liver, adipose tissue, and gut, unrelated to the 12-14-kD cytosolic FABP in these same tissues [2].
  • We studied the effects of transfection with cDNA encoding heart FABP, adipocyte FABP or liver FABP on cytotoxicity induced by chemical anoxia or FAs [1].
  • Non-esterified FA accumulation was not reduced in any of the FABP-cDNA-transfected cell lines [1].
  • Transfection of MDCK type II cells with these cDNA types caused a 5-20-fold increase in FABP content, but did not change the rate or extent of palmitate uptake [1].


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