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Gene Review

Fabp1  -  fatty acid binding protein 1, liver

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 14 kDa selenium-binding protein, Fabpl, Fatty acid-binding protein 1, Fatty acid-binding protein, liver, L-FABP, ...
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Disease relevance of Fabp1


High impact information on Fabp1

  • To determine whether the slowed migration was a direct effect of forced expression of E-cadherin or a secondary effect of reduced crypt cell production, another Fabp promoter was used to restrict overproduction of E-cadherin to the villus epithelium of transgenic mice [6].
  • Transgenes consisting of segments of the rat liver fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP) gene's 5' non-transcribed domain linked to the human growth hormone (hGH) gene (minus its regulatory elements) have provided useful tools for analyzing the mechanisms that regulate cellular and spatial differentiation of the continuously renewing gut epithelium [7].
  • Immunocytochemical analysis of isografts harvested 4-6 wk after implantation revealed that activation of the intact endogenous mouse L-FABP gene (fabpl) in differentiating enterocytes is perfectly recapitulated as these cells are translocated along the crypt-to-villus axis [7].
  • In the present study, we have used immunocytochemical techniques to map the distribution of enteroendocrine cells in the normal adult mouse gut and to characterize those that synthesize L-FABP [8].
  • Young (5-7 weeks) mice containing a L-FABP (-4000 to +21)/hGH transgene also demonstrated inappropriate expression of the transgene in most proximal colonic crypts [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Fabp1


Biological context of Fabp1


Anatomical context of Fabp1


Associations of Fabp1 with chemical compounds

  • Here we show first that phytanic acid binds to recombinant L-FABP with high affinity [1].
  • This issue was addressed by examining the response of young (7 wk) female mice to L-FABP gene ablation and a cholesterol-rich diet [2].
  • In contrast, high-affinity LCFA-CoA binding was absent from Fraction III of L-FABP (-/-) mice [10].
  • A cis-parinaric acid displacement assay showed that L-FABP bound BODIPY-C12 and BODIPY-C16 with K(i)s of 10.1 +/- 2.5 and 20.7 +/- 1.5 nM, respectively, in the same range as naturally occurring LCFAs [16].
  • Nevertheless, the soluble fraction from livers of L-FABP (-/-) mice bound 95% less radioactive oleoyl-CoA than wild-type L-FABP (+/+) mice [10].

Physical interactions of Fabp1


Regulatory relationships of Fabp1


Other interactions of Fabp1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Fabp1

  • Finally, solid-phase extraction and HPLC analysis revealed that, depending on the fatty acid content of the culture medium, L-FABP expression also increased the cellular LCFA-CoA pool size and altered the LCFA-CoA acyl chain composition [16].
  • The intracellular LCFA-CoA binding protein fraction (Fraction III) from wild-type L-FABP (+/+) mice, isolated by gel permeation chromatography of liver soluble proteins, exhibited one high-affinity binding and several low-affinity binding sites for cis-parinaroyl-CoA, a naturally occurring fluorescent LCFA-CoA [10].
  • The 90-kDa protein also binds to an element in the matrix metalloproteinase-2 gene that functions as an enhancer in renal cells, shares sequence homology with the heptad, and generates similar-sized complexes in gel mobility shift assays as the Fabpl repeat [23].
  • In this case, LFABP mRNA levels decreased more slowly after partial hepatectomy than in rats [4].
  • Stable transfectant cell lines were selected and expression of L-FABP determined using Western blot analysis [24].


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