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Gene Review

axin1  -  axin 1

Danio rerio

Synonyms: Axin-1, Axis inhibition protein 1, SO:0000704, axin, wu:fi22e03, ...
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High impact information on axin1

  • In C. elegans, several Wnt-controlled developmental processes have been described, but an Axin ortholog has not been found in the genome sequence and SGG-1/GSK3 beta, and the APC-related protein APR-1 have been shown to act in a positive, rather than negative fashion in Wnt signaling [1].
  • The amino-acid substitution present in the mbl allele abolishes the binding of Axin to Gsk3 and affects Tcf-dependent transcription [2].
  • A mutation in the Gsk3-binding domain of zebrafish Masterblind/Axin1 leads to a fate transformation of telencephalon and eyes to diencephalon [2].
  • Complementing this observation, transplantation of cells overexpressing axin1 into the prospective floorplate leads to induction of hypothalamic gene expression and suppression of floorplate marker gene expression [3].
  • Overexpression of wild-type axin1 mRNA rescued mbl completely, demonstrating that mutant axin1 is responsible for the mutant phenotype [4].

Biological context of axin1


Anatomical context of axin1

  • Overexpression of mutant L399Q axin1 in wild-type embryos resulted in a dose-dependent dominant negative activity as demonstrated by the loss of telencephalon and eyes [4].

Other interactions of axin1

  • Injection of RNAs for activated beta-catenin, dominant-negative forms of Axin1 and GSK3beta, and wild-type Dvl3, into the tkk embryos suppressed the ventralized phenotypes and/or dorsalized the embryos, and restored or induced an ectopic and expanded expression of bozozok/dharma and goosecoid [6].


  1. The Axin-like protein PRY-1 is a negative regulator of a canonical Wnt pathway in C. elegans. Korswagen, H.C., Coudreuse, D.Y., Betist, M.C., van de Water, S., Zivkovic, D., Clevers, H.C. Genes Dev. (2002) [Pubmed]
  2. A mutation in the Gsk3-binding domain of zebrafish Masterblind/Axin1 leads to a fate transformation of telencephalon and eyes to diencephalon. Heisenberg, C.P., Houart, C., Take-Uchi, M., Rauch, G.J., Young, N., Coutinho, P., Masai, I., Caneparo, L., Concha, M.L., Geisler, R., Dale, T.C., Wilson, S.W., Stemple, D.L. Genes Dev. (2001) [Pubmed]
  3. Inhibition of Wnt/Axin/beta-catenin pathway activity promotes ventral CNS midline tissue to adopt hypothalamic rather than floorplate identity. Kapsimali, M., Caneparo, L., Houart, C., Wilson, S.W. Development (2004) [Pubmed]
  4. Ectopic Wnt signal determines the eyeless phenotype of zebrafish masterblind mutant. van de Water, S., van de Wetering, M., Joore, J., Esseling, J., Bink, R., Clevers, H., Zivkovic, D. Development (2001) [Pubmed]
  5. Ccd1, a novel protein with a DIX domain, is a positive regulator in the Wnt signaling during zebrafish neural patterning. Shiomi, K., Uchida, H., Keino-Masu, K., Masu, M. Curr. Biol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  6. Genetic evidence for involvement of maternally derived Wnt canonical signaling in dorsal determination in zebrafish. Nojima, H., Shimizu, T., Kim, C.H., Yabe, T., Bae, Y.K., Muraoka, O., Hirata, T., Chitnis, A., Hirano, T., Hibi, M. Mech. Dev. (2004) [Pubmed]
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