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Gene Review

gsc  -  goosecoid

Danio rerio

Synonyms: Homeobox protein goosecoid, SO:0000704, ZGSC, ik:tdsubc_1c10, ik:tdsubc_2g4, ...
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High impact information on gsc

  • Injection of RNA-encoding dominant-negative Jak1 kinases reduces a specific cell migration, epiboly, and results in the reduction of goosecoid expression and of anterior structures [1].
  • By contrast, when FGF signaling is inhibited, beta-catenin did not induce goosecoid and chordin, repress bmp4 expression or induce a dorsal axis [2].
  • In addition, a dominant-negative construct and antisense morpholino oligonucleotides led to a reduction in gsc and flh expression [3].
  • Our results support a model in which BMP signaling induces the expression of ventral genes, while vox and vent act redundantly to prevent the expression of chordin, goosecoid and other dorsal genes in the lateral and ventral mesendoderm [4].
  • Nodal induces ectopic goosecoid and lim1 expression and axis duplication in zebrafish [5].

Biological context of gsc


Anatomical context of gsc

  • Furthermore, Znr2 overexpression exclusively in the YSL, a region implicated in endogenous mesodermal induction, causes broadened or duplicated gsc expression in the overlying blastoderm [10].
  • We suggest that vega2, in cooperation with vega1, functions as a negative regulator of organizer genes including gsc, and participates in the refinement of the gastrula organizer domain [7].
  • Altogether, foxA3 and goosecoid cooperate to promote formation of anterior neural tissue by protecting, as early as blastula stage, presumptive anterior neural cells from an irreversible caudalization by the posteriorizing factor Wnt8a [11].
  • These results indicate that cyclops is required for correct specification of the mesendoderm and suggest that goosecoid expression in the ectoderm may result from vertical induction from the mesoderm [12].
  • Furthermore, the yolk cell obtained from the vegetal-removed embryos lost the ability to induce goosecoid in normal blastomeres while the normal yolk cell frequently did so in normal and vegetal-removed embryos [13].

Associations of gsc with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of gsc


Other interactions of gsc

  • The vertebrate Vox/Vent family of transcription factors plays a crucial role in the establishment of the dorsoventral (DV) axis, by repressing organizer genes such as bozozok/dharma, goosecoid, and chordino [17].
  • The system was tested with induced expression of Xactivin(beta)B and X(wnt), which both were shown to induce morphological abnormalities, as well as alterations in the expression patterns of goosecoid and otx2, respectively [18].
  • Transcription of tbx6 commences about an hour after initiation of expression of the pan-mesendodermal gene no tail and the organizer gene goosecoid [19].
  • Overexpression of mutant zTcf-3 products and Cadherin leads to a reduction in the expression of the dorsal-specific genes goosecoid and chording at the blastula stages, indicating a conserved role for betacat and tcf-3 in zebrafish dorsal axis induction [20].
  • In cyclops mutant embryos, which lack a ventral anterior brain, expression of goosecoid is abnormal in the mesendoderm and completely absent in the overlying neurectoderm [12].


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  2. FGF signaling is required for {beta}-catenin-mediated induction of the zebrafish organizer. Maegawa, S., Varga, M., Weinberg, E.S. Development (2006) [Pubmed]
  3. The maternally expressed zebrafish T-box gene eomesodermin regulates organizer formation. Bruce, A.E., Howley, C., Zhou, Y., Vickers, S.L., Silver, L.M., King, M.L., Ho, R.K. Development (2003) [Pubmed]
  4. The homeobox genes vox and vent are redundant repressors of dorsal fates in zebrafish. Imai, Y., Gates, M.A., Melby, A.E., Kimelman, D., Schier, A.F., Talbot, W.S. Development (2001) [Pubmed]
  5. Nodal induces ectopic goosecoid and lim1 expression and axis duplication in zebrafish. Toyama, R., O'Connell, M.L., Wright, C.V., Kuehn, M.R., Dawid, I.B. Development (1995) [Pubmed]
  6. Structural and functional characterization of the zebrafish lamin B receptor. Schild-Prüfert, K., Giegerich, M., Schäfer, M., Winkler, C., Krohne, G. Eur. J. Cell Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  7. Functional interaction of vega2 and goosecoid homeobox genes in zebrafish. Kawahara, A., Wilm, T., Solnica-Krezel, L., Dawid, I.B. Genesis (2000) [Pubmed]
  8. Domains of retinoid signalling and neurectodermal expression of zebrafish otx1 and goosecoid are mutually exclusive. Joore, J., Timmermans, A., van de Water, S., Folkers, G.E., van der Saag, P.T., Zivkovic, D. Biochem. Cell Biol. (1997) [Pubmed]
  9. Ethanol impairs migration of the prechordal plate in the zebrafish embryo. Blader, P., Strähle, U. Dev. Biol. (1998) [Pubmed]
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  11. FoxA3 and goosecoid promote anterior neural fate through inhibition of Wnt8a activity before the onset of gastrulation. Seiliez, I., Thisse, B., Thisse, C. Dev. Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  12. Goosecoid expression in neurectoderm and mesendoderm is disrupted in zebrafish cyclops gastrulas. Thisse, C., Thisse, B., Halpern, M.E., Postlethwait, J.H. Dev. Biol. (1994) [Pubmed]
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  14. Lithium perturbation and goosecoid expression identify a dorsal specification pathway in the pregastrula zebrafish. Stachel, S.E., Grunwald, D.J., Myers, P.Z. Development (1993) [Pubmed]
  15. Rho mediates cytokinesis and epiboly via ROCK in zebrafish. Lai, S.L., Chang, C.N., Wang, P.J., Lee, S.J. Mol. Reprod. Dev. (2005) [Pubmed]
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  18. Hormone-inducible expression of secreted factors in zebrafish embryos. de Graaf, M., Zivkovic, D., Joore, J. Dev. Growth Differ. (1998) [Pubmed]
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