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Gene Review

KAN  -  transcription repressor KAN1

Arabidopsis thaliana

Synonyms: KAN1, KANADI, KANADI 1, MQK4.31, MQK4_31
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Disease relevance of KAN

  • The expression pattern of KAN messenger RNA and the effect of ectopically expressing KAN under the regulation of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CAMV) 35S promoter indicate that KAN may also specify peripheral identity in the developing embryo [1].

High impact information on KAN

  • Mutations in CRABS CLAW, the founding family member, display ectopic formation of adaxial carpel tissues only when the functions of other genes, such as GYMNOS or KANADI, are also compromised [2].
  • Mutant alleles of KANADI (KAN) were identified in a screen for mutants that produce abaxial trichomes on these first two leaves. kan mutations were originally identified as enhancers of the mutant floral phenotype of crabs claw (crc), a gene that specifies abaxial identity in carpels [1].
  • KANADI and Class III HD-Zip Gene Families Regulate Embryo Patterning and Modulate Auxin Flow during Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis [3].
  • Loss of KANADI activity in a Class III HD-Zip mutant background mitigates the defects in bilateral symmetry, implying that the two gene families act antagonistically during embryonic pattern formation [3].
  • Mutant phenotypes of ett are restricted to flowers; however, double mutants with a closely related gene ARF4 exhibit transformation of abaxial tissues into adaxial ones in all aerial parts, resembling mutations in KANADI [4].

Biological context of KAN

  • Members of three classes of transcription factors in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana; the Class III homeodomain/leucine zipper [HD-ZIP] proteins, KANADI proteins, and YABBY proteins) are expressed in either the adaxial or abaxial domain of organ primordia where they confer these respective identities [5].
  • Downregulation of the HD-ZIPIII genes allows expression of the KANADI and YABBY genes, which specify abaxial fate [6].
  • Novel, localized planes of blade expansion occur in some kanadi loss-of-function genotypes and these ectopic lamina outgrowths are YABBY dependent [7].
  • We utilize both gain- and loss-of-function mutants and gene expression patterns to analyze the function of Class III HD-Zip and KANADI genes in Arabidopsis roots [8].

Associations of KAN with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of KAN

  • PHB-like genes and the abaxial-promoting KANADI and YABBY genes appear to be expressed throughout primordia anlagen before becoming confined to their corresponding domains as primordia arise [9].

Other interactions of KAN

  • Loss of KANADI activity results in similar alterations in vascular patterning as compared to REVOLUTA gain-of-function alleles [10].
  • Radial patterning of Arabidopsis shoots by class III HD-ZIP and KANADI genes [10].
  • Double mutant analysis suggests that HST acts in parallel to SQUINT in the regulation of phase change and in parallel to KANADI in the regulation of leaf polarity [11].


  1. KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis. Kerstetter, R.A., Bollman, K., Taylor, R.A., Bomblies, K., Poethig, R.S. Nature (2001) [Pubmed]
  2. Distinct mechanisms promote polarity establishment in carpels of Arabidopsis. Eshed, Y., Baum, S.F., Bowman, J.L. Cell (1999) [Pubmed]
  3. KANADI and Class III HD-Zip Gene Families Regulate Embryo Patterning and Modulate Auxin Flow during Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Izhaki, A., Bowman, J.L. Plant Cell (2007) [Pubmed]
  4. Auxin response factors mediate Arabidopsis organ asymmetry via modulation of KANADI activity. Pekker, I., Alvarez, J.P., Eshed, Y. Plant Cell (2005) [Pubmed]
  5. AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes. Nole-Wilson, S., Krizek, B.A. Plant Physiol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  6. microRNA-mediated repression of rolled leaf1 specifies maize leaf polarity. Juarez, M.T., Kui, J.S., Thomas, J., Heller, B.A., Timmermans, M.C. Nature (2004) [Pubmed]
  7. Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities. Eshed, Y., Izhaki, A., Baum, S.F., Floyd, S.K., Bowman, J.L. Development (2004) [Pubmed]
  8. Roles for Class III HD-Zip and KANADI genes in Arabidopsis root development. Hawker, N.P., Bowman, J.L. Plant Physiol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  9. Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants. Eshed, Y., Baum, S.F., Perea, J.V., Bowman, J.L. Curr. Biol. (2001) [Pubmed]
  10. Radial patterning of Arabidopsis shoots by class III HD-ZIP and KANADI genes. Emery, J.F., Floyd, S.K., Alvarez, J., Eshed, Y., Hawker, N.P., Izhaki, A., Baum, S.F., Bowman, J.L. Curr. Biol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  11. HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis. Bollman, K.M., Aukerman, M.J., Park, M.Y., Hunter, C., Berardini, T.Z., Poethig, R.S. Development (2003) [Pubmed]
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