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Gene Review

ObPVgp3  -  30K protein

Obuda pepper virus

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Disease relevance of ObPVgp3


High impact information on ObPVgp3

  • The sequence encompasses the 30K and the coat protein cistron which are located in residues 685-1, 479 and 203-682 from the 3' end of the genome respectively [6].
  • Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence of the 30K and the coat protein cistron of TMV (tomato strain) genome [6].
  • The comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence between the tomato and the common strain shows that the 30K protein is composed of the conserved N-terminal four-fifth and the highly divergent region near the C-terminus [6].
  • The four genes (130K, 180K, 30K and coat protein) could then be mapped at precise locations in the TMV genome [2].
  • Complete nucleotide sequencing of the TMV-R genomic RNA revealed amino acid changes in the 130K/ 180K replicase proteins, the 30K protein, and the coat protein and nucleotide changes in the 5' and 3' noncoding regions compared to TMV-U1 [7].

Biological context of ObPVgp3


Anatomical context of ObPVgp3


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ObPVgp3

  • Tests with a 30K pore-size ultrafiltration membrane achieved 99% virus removal efficiency and a 5K membrane practically removed 100% of the virus in greenhouse wastewater [13].


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  13. Ultrafiltration tests for the reutilization of greenhouse wastewater. Liu, M., Lau, A.K., Lo, K.V. Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes. (1999) [Pubmed]
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