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Mosaic Viruses

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Disease relevance of Mosaic Viruses


High impact information on Mosaic Viruses

  • We have established the minimum number of nucleotides from the 3' end of the brome mosaic virus and broad bean mottle virus RNAs required for the formation of structures recognized by the tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase and/or the tRNA nucleotidyltransferase [6].
  • The barley stripe mosaic virus gamma b gene encodes a multifunctional cysteine-rich protein that affects pathogenesis [7].
  • Here, we report that expression in transgenic plants of a geminivirus-encoded AC4 protein from African cassava mosaic virus Cameroon Strain (ACMV), a suppressor of posttranscriptional gene silencing, was correlated with decreased accumulation of host miRNAs and increased development abnormalities in Arabidopsis [8].
  • These results identify base moieties in the brome mosaic virus subgenomic promoter required for efficient RNA synthesis and support the hypothesis that the recognition of a RNA promoter by a viral RdRp is analogous to the recognition of DNA promoters by DNA-dependent RNA polymerases [9].
  • Brome mosaic virus RNA replication protein 1a dramatically increases in vivo stability but not translation of viral genomic RNA3 [1].

Chemical compound and disease context of Mosaic Viruses

  • mRNA guanylation catalyzed by the S-adenosylmethionine-dependent guanylyltransferase of bamboo mosaic virus [10].
  • Employing brome mosaic virus RNA ending in m7G(5')pppG- as substrate, a simple DEAE-cellulose filter assay measuring the incorporation of methyl groups from S-adenosyl[methyl-3H]methionine to position 2' of the penultimate nucleoside was devised [11].
  • Both 7-methylguanosine products, m7G5'pppp5'G and m7G5'pppp5'm7G, acted as potent inhibitors of capped brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA translation in the homologous wheat germ protein synthesis system [12].
  • Bacterial beta-glucuronidase (gus) and neomycin phosphotransferase (neo) genes were introduced into coat protein replacement vectors based on DNA A of tomato golden mosaic virus (TGMV) [13].
  • This paper describes the sequence of 257 nucleotides from the 3' end of RNA 2 of barley stripe mosaic virus ( BSMV , strain Argentina Mild) including an internal oligo (A) tract localized at a distance of 236 nucleotides from the 3' end, and the 3' terminal tRNA-like structure accepting tyrosine [14].

Biological context of Mosaic Viruses


Anatomical context of Mosaic Viruses


Gene context of Mosaic Viruses

  • RNA 2 of soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV), the type species of the genus Furovirus, encodes a protein previously hypothesized to be initiated at an in-frame non-AUG codon upstream of the AUG initiation codon (nucleotide positions 334 to 336) for the 19-kDa capsid protein [24].
  • Sequence comparisons indicate that P131 and P191 are most closely related to the replicase proteins of SBWMV and the hordeivirus barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV) but are only distantly related to the replicase of the furovirus beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) [25].
  • Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) polyprotein is processed by its N-terminal serine protease domain [26].
  • Mapping of the P1 proteinase cleavage site in the polyprotein of Wheat streak mosaic virus (genus Tritimovirus) [27].
  • Complete RNA1 sequences of two UK isolates of barley mild mosaic virus: a wild-type fungus-transmissible isolate and a non-fungus-transmissible derivative [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mosaic Viruses


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