MeSH Review:
Hyoid Bone
- Case report: follicular adenoma in a thyroglossal duct remnant arising entirely within the hyoid bone. Chan, G.S., Tan, P.H., Lim, D.T. Ann. Acad. Med. Singap. (2001)
- Identification of papillary carcinoma in a thyroglossal cyst by fine-needle aspiration biopsy. Kashkari, S. Diagn. Cytopathol. (1990)
- Mucin-secreting papillary adenocarcinoma of the hyoid bone: a unique case. Burnell, I., Tomkinson, A., Hourihan, M., Robinson, M., Douglas-Jones, A. The Journal of laryngology and otology. (2005)
- Computed tomography and the thyroglossal duct cyst. Ward, R.F., Selfe, R.W., St Louis, L., Bowling, D. Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. (1986)
- Altered rhombomere-specific gene expression and hyoid bone differentiation in the mouse segmentation mutant, kreisler (kr). Frohman, M.A., Martin, G.R., Cordes, S.P., Halamek, L.P., Barsh, G.S. Development (1993)
- A cephalometric comparison of patients with the sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome and their siblings. Riha, R.L., Brander, P., Vennelle, M., Douglas, N.J. Sleep. (2005)
- Is the treatment for thyroglossal duct cysts too extensive? Bennett, K.G., Organ, C.H., Williams, G.R. Am. J. Surg. (1986)
- Obstructive sleep apnea and abnormal cephalometric measurements. Implications for treatment. Guilleminault, C., Riley, R., Powell, N. Chest (1984)
- Bucco-lingual crestal bone changes after immediate and delayed implant placement. Covani, U., Bortolaia, C., Barone, A., Sbordone, L. J. Periodontol. (2004)
- Calculation of tension exerted on a ligature in incomplete hanging. Khokhlov, V.D. Forensic Sci. Int. (2001)
- Extraoral ligation of the lingual artery: an anatomic study. Homze, E.J., Harn, S.D., Bavitz, B.J. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics. (1997)
- A concept for a biologically derived, parabolic implant design. Holt, R.L., Rosenberg, M.M., Zinser, P.J., Ganeles, J. The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry. (2002)
- Uvulo-glosso-pharyngeal dimensions in different anteroposterior skeletal patterns. Abu Allhaija, E.S., Al-Khateeb, S.N. The Angle orthodontist. (2005)
- The hyoid bone syndrome. Lim, R.Y. Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. (1982)
- Rapid oral anesthesia for awake intubation. Mongan, P.D., Culling, R.D. Journal of clinical anesthesia. (1992)
- Bucco-lingual bone remodeling around implants placed into immediate extraction sockets: a case series. Covani, U., Cornelini, R., Barone, A. J. Periodontol. (2003)
- Adult craniocervical and pharyngeal changes--a longitudinal cephalometric study between 22 and 42 years of age. Part I: Morphological craniocervical and hyoid bone changes. Kollias, I., Krogstad, O. European journal of orthodontics. (1999)
- Positional change of the hyoid bone after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy with rigid and wire fixation. Chung, D.H., Hatch, J.P., Dolce, C., Van Sickels, J.E., Bays, R.A., Rugh, J.D. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics. (2001)
- Dual ectopic thyroid: report of a case. Ulug, T., Ulubil, S.A., Alagol, F. The Journal of laryngology and otology. (2003)