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Hyoid Bone

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Disease relevance of Hyoid Bone


High impact information on Hyoid Bone

  • We found that the hyoid bone in kr/kr animals exhibited an accessory process on the greater horn (a third arch structure) most easily explained by ectopic development of a second arch structure (the hyoid lesser horn) in an area normally derived from the third arch [5].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Men and women with OSAHS have a lower-set hyoid bone than do those without OSAHS [6].
  • The majority of patients were found to have a cyst in the midline at the level of the hyoid bone [7].
  • Cephalometric measurements, frequently used to measure SNA and SNB angles, can also provide information on the posterior airway space (PAS), the mandibular plane, and the hyoid bone [8].
  • RESULTS: At second-stage surgery all peri-implant defects were filled, and the mean distance from buccal bone to lingual bone was 8.1 mm (SD 1.334) for immediate implants and 5.8 mm (SD 1.265) for delayed implants [9].

Anatomical context of Hyoid Bone


Associations of Hyoid Bone with chemical compounds

  • The parabolic occlusal platform of this design is in harmony with the biologic width of the soft tissue around the circumference of the implant when the proximal bone is occlusal to the facial and lingual bone [12].
  • In Class II subjects, the hyoid bone was closer to the mandible vertically and to C3 horizontally compared with Class I (P < .01) and Class III (P < .001) male subjects [13].
  • In 1968 Steinmann reported the hyoid bone syndrome as a form of "insertion tendinois," for which he recommended the use of procaine hydrochloride injection with corticosteroid at the tip of the greater hyoid cornu for relief of pain [14].
  • MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The time to obtain oropharyngeal anesthesia was measured as the time from obtaining the benzonatate capsules from the bottle or palpation of the neck to locate the hyoid bone to the time when the patient exhibited an absent gag response to an oropharyngeal airway [15].

Gene context of Hyoid Bone

  • RESULTS: At second-stage surgery, all peri-implant defects were completely filled and the distance from buccal to lingual bone was measured again [16].
  • Adult craniocervical and pharyngeal changes--a longitudinal cephalometric study between 22 and 42 years of age. Part I: Morphological craniocervical and hyoid bone changes [17].
  • The direct distance from the hyoid bone to basion increased (P <.001) in both groups at T3 and then recovered its original length after 8 weeks (P <.001) [18].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hyoid Bone


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  5. Altered rhombomere-specific gene expression and hyoid bone differentiation in the mouse segmentation mutant, kreisler (kr). Frohman, M.A., Martin, G.R., Cordes, S.P., Halamek, L.P., Barsh, G.S. Development (1993) [Pubmed]
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  18. Positional change of the hyoid bone after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy with rigid and wire fixation. Chung, D.H., Hatch, J.P., Dolce, C., Van Sickels, J.E., Bays, R.A., Rugh, J.D. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics. (2001) [Pubmed]
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