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Practice Management

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Disease relevance of Practice Management


High impact information on Practice Management

  • Women doctors are here to stay. Practice management, the kindergarten carpool, and other experiences of two women in family practice. An interview with Cynthia B. Johnson, MD, PhD, and Nancy K. White, MD, PhD [4].
  • Amending poultry litter (PL) with aluminum sulfate (alum) has proven to be effective in reducing water-soluble phosphorus (P) in the litter and in runoff from fields that have received PL applications; it has therefore been suggested as a best management practice [5].
  • The computer for practice management: Part I. System goals and design and elements of the system [6].
  • METHODS: Between 1999 and 2003 GPs and their practices were assessed using a validated practice visit method (VIP) consisting of 303 indicators describing 56 dimensions of practice management [7].
  • Joint Council of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology News: focus on Practice Management, Part 2 [8].

Biological context of Practice Management

  • Irrespective of management practice, an increased mycorrhizal colonization was less likely to increase biomass if either soil P or indigenous inoculum potential was high [9].
  • In an attempt to identify characteristics of the nephrology APN, attendees at the January 1999 Advanced Practice/Management Seminar in Savannah, Georgia were surveyed [10].

Associations of Practice Management with chemical compounds

  • We compared the perceived learning needs of primary care physicians from the public and private sectors who responded to a questionnaire before taking educational courses in Family Medicine. They rated their perceived learning needs on 71 items of clinical practices and practice management on a scale of 1-10 [11].
  • Forest fertilization with granular urea is a well-established management practice in many forested regions of the world [12].
  • Subsurface drainage is a beneficial water management practice in poorly drained soils but may also contribute substantial nitrate N loads to surface waters [13].
  • This survey aimed to establish oculoplastic specialist and non-specialist ophthalmic surgeons' current management practice of patients before oculoplastic surgery who are taking aspirin or warfarin and to assess the rate of complications in these patients [14].
  • Removal from pasture, mixed grazing (cattle before sheep) and an albendazole slow release bolus all significantly (P < 0.05) reduced levels of infection in animals so treated, compared with control sheep which were treated periodically with anthelmintics as standard farm management practice [15].

Gene context of Practice Management


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Practice Management

  • Patient motivation, in respect to dietary control and satisfactory oral hygiene, is central to a successful outcome, and in the future, practice management programs may include RAC as a diagnostic aid [21].


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