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Oral Hygiene

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Disease relevance of Oral Hygiene

  • In the other two patients, lowering of the verapamil dose, in addition to optimal oral hygiene and dental plaque control, was necessary; in one patient verapamil had to be stopped completely to reverse the gingival enlargement [1].
  • Standard care for oral mucositis is based on effective oral hygiene, appropriate analgesia, infection management, and parenteral nutrition when needed; few other approaches have been shown to be effective [2].
  • The oral hygiene, plaque and gingival index scores were greater (p < 0.0001), oral clearance was longer (p < 0.01), and levels of sucrose and starch-derived saccharides higher (p < 0.01) in the cleft palate group [3].
  • Caries prevalence, oral hygiene index, submandibular gland hypertrophy, occlusion, dental hypoplasia, and staining of permanent teeth were evaluated in 63 patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) who were maintained on a regimen of broad-spectrum antibiotics and oral pancreatin, and the findings were compared with those of their near-aged siblings [4].
  • It was concluded that the use of Perimed could be a beneficial adjunctive treatment for the prevention and control of gingivitis when used with routine oral hygiene procedures [5].

Psychiatry related information on Oral Hygiene

  • In addition, the students were interviewed with regard to oral hygiene, topical fluoride application, and dietary habits [6].
  • Data on behaviors and attitudes were collected via a self-administered questionnaire having six domains: (i) family background; (ii) dental anxiety; (iii) dental utilization; (iv) oral hygiene; (v) use of fluoride toothpaste; and (vi) sugar consumption [7].
  • OBJECTIVE: To determine the influence of oral hygiene practices and additional fluoride on erosive tooth wear in eating disorders [8].
  • Organoleptic and gas chromatographic methods were employed to establish the threshold of odor objectionability of methylmercaptan and hydrogen sulfide and to assess the relative effectiveness of different oral hygiene measures to reduce the malodor to acceptable levels [9].
  • Boys reported more risk-taking behaviors than did girls; White youth had lower injury-prevention scores than Black youth; and younger children and children with behavior or emotional disorders in specialized classrooms reported fewer health promotion activities related to nutrition, exercise, and dental hygiene [10].

High impact information on Oral Hygiene


Chemical compound and disease context of Oral Hygiene


Biological context of Oral Hygiene


Anatomical context of Oral Hygiene

  • Control of occlusal caries in the first permanent molars by oral hygiene [26].
  • Besides oral hygiene, the test group rinsed 2x daily with 0.2% chlorhexidine and sprayed the tonsils with a 0.2% chlorhexidine for 2 months [27].
  • In order to gain further understanding of the role of chemokines in healthy oral mucosa, we analyzed mRNA expression of the alpha (CXC)-family chemokines IL-8 and GROgamma as well as of the beta (CC)-family chemokines MIP-1alpha, MIP-1beta and MCP-1 in twenty young and healthy subjects with good oral hygiene [28].
  • The purpose of the present study was to determine if there were differences in the quantity of accessible sialic acid on superficial epithelial cells collected from different areas of the mouth, and from healthy subjects with good oral hygiene, as compared to subjects with gingivitis [29].
  • The data obtained suggest that the oral hygiene status of an individual can influence the quantity of accessible sialic acid residues on oral epithelium; this would be expected to influence the attachment and colonization of bacteria which bind to sialic acid-containing receptors [29].

Associations of Oral Hygiene with chemical compounds

  • Oral hygiene also reduced the occurrence and magnitude of the early hydrogen rise after lactulose ingestion [13].
  • The recolonization of the pockets was retarded by oral hygiene and 0.2% chlorhexidine rinses during two weeks [30].
  • This study showed that smoking was the most important factor affecting the rate of peri-implant bone loss, and that oral hygiene also had an influence, especially in smokers, while other factors, e.g., those associated with occlusal loading, were of minor importance [31].
  • Two-hundred and fourteen subjects ranging in age from 22 to 63 years used either a mouthwash that contained 0.035% w/v alexidine.2HCL (2-ethylhexyl bisbiguanidine dihydrochloride) or a placebo twice daily on a doubleblind basis for six months in conjunction with routine oral hygiene procedures [32].
  • Triclosan is a broad-spectrum hydrophobic antibacterial agent used in dermatological preparations and oral hygiene products [33].

Gene context of Oral Hygiene

  • ROH reduced GI, BOP and PI, and PGE2 levels by 14 days, but had no effect on IL-1 beta or IL-10 levels relative to no oral hygiene [34].
  • Their levels increased significantly from baseline and remained high for at least one week after the reinstitution of oral hygiene measures (repeated measures MANOVA; alpha 2-M: p = 0.015; alpha 1-AT: p = 0.012; TF: p = 0.02) [35].
  • Experimental evidence has clearly demonstrated that IL-1 cytokine levels increase in experimental gingivitis (EG) models in response to plaque accumulation following the cessation of oral hygiene [36].
  • In contrast to the serum derived acute-phase proteins, the neutrophil derived LF rose significantly from baseline (repeated measures MANOVA; p = 0.001) but dropped rapidly after the reinstitution of oral hygiene measures [35].
  • 50 RA patients were matched for age, sex, smoking and oral hygiene with 101 healthy controls [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Oral Hygiene

  • Three caries preventative regimens: oral hygiene; oral hygiene and topical fluoride; and oral hygiene, typical fluoride, and sucrose restriction were evaluated in patients with cancer given xerostomia-producing radiotherapy [38].
  • The aim of this study was to determine effect of initial therapy including oral hygiene instruction and scaling and root planing (SRP) on sulcular/tongue sulfide level [39].
  • In conclusion, chlorhexidine has significant adjunctive effects on plaque inhibition in the presence of normal unsupervised oral hygiene, but toothbrushing did not prevent toothstaining [40].
  • Following oral hygiene instruction and root debridement at baseline, test teeth were irrigated subgingivally by a professional with a solution of 50 mg/ml of tetracycline, and control teeth with saline every 2nd week for 3 months [41].
  • We considered the following variables: gender, daily CsA dose, duration of immunosuppressive treatment, CsA plasma concentration, concomitant use of another immunosuppressive agent (azathioprine), use of other GO inducers (calcium channel blockers, anti-epileptic drugs), oral hygiene scores, and other drugs taken at the time of oral examination [42].


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