MeSH Review:
Oral Hygiene
- Verapamil induced gingival enlargement in cluster headache. Matharu, M.S., van Vliet, J.A., Ferrari, M.D., Goadsby, P.J. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatr. (2005)
- Mucosal damage: a major risk factor for severe complications after cytotoxic therapy. Peterson, D.E., Cariello, A. Semin. Oncol. (2004)
- Dental caries, oral hygiene, and oral clearance in children with craniofacial disorders. Ahluwalia, M., Brailsford, S.R., Tarelli, E., Gilbert, S.C., Clark, D.T., Barnard, K., Beighton, D. J. Dent. Res. (2004)
- Oral health of patients with cystic fibrosis and their siblings. Jagels, A.E., Sweeney, E.A. J. Dent. Res. (1976)
- Efficacy of Perimed antibacterial system on established gingivitis. (I). Clinical results. Clark, W.B., Magnusson, I., Walker, C.B., Marks, R.G. Journal of clinical periodontology. (1989)
- Increment of dental caries among Finnish dental students during a period of 2 years. Kolehmainen, L., Rytömaa, I. Community dentistry and oral epidemiology. (1977)
- Caries prevalence, oral health behavior, and attitudes in children residing in radiation-contaminated and -noncontaminated towns in Ukraine. Spivak, K., Hayes, C., Maguire, J.H. Community dentistry and oral epidemiology. (2004)
- Dental erosion, oral hygiene, and nutrition in eating disorders. Milosevic, A., Brodie, D.A., Slade, P.D. The International journal of eating disorders. (1997)
- Reduction of malodor by oral cleansing procedures. Tonzetich, J., Ng, S.K. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. (1976)
- Health promotion and injury prevention behaviors of elementary school children. Polivka, B.J., Ryan-Wenger, N. Pediatric nursing. (1999)
- Physicians and caries prevention. Results of a physician survey on preventive dental services. Gift, H.C., Milton, B., Walsh, V. JAMA (1984)
- Risk for periodontal disease in patients with longstanding rheumatoid arthritis. Kässer, U.R., Gleissner, C., Dehne, F., Michel, A., Willershausen-Zönnchen, B., Bolten, W.W. Arthritis Rheum. (1997)
- Evaluation of the hydrogen breath test in man: definition and elimination of the early hydrogen peak. Mastropaolo, G., Rees, W.D. Gut (1987)
- Incidence and determinants of IgE-mediated sensitization in apprentices. A prospective study. Gautrin, D., Ghezzo, H., Infante-Rivard, C., Malo, J.L. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. (2000)
- Efficacy of oral hygiene products against MRSA and MSSA isolates. Smith, A.J., Morrison, D., Robertson, D., Tang, M.K., Al-Doori, Z. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. (2003)
- Clinical effects on chronic periodontitis of a simplified system of oral hygiene including subgingival pulsated jet irrigation with chlorhexidine. Watts, E.A., Newman, H.N. Journal of clinical periodontology. (1986)
- Reduction of plaque formation and gingivitis by a dentifrice containing triclosan and copolymer. Kanchanakamol, U., Umpriwan, R., Jotikasthira, N., Srisilapanan, P., Tuongratanaphan, S., Sholitkul, W., Chat-Uthai, T. J. Periodontol. (1995)
- Slow release metronidazole and a simplified mechanical oral hygiene regimen in the control of chronic periodontitis. Newman, H.N., Yeung, F.I., wan Yusof, W.Z., Addy, M. Journal of clinical periodontology. (1984)
- The effect of a mouth rinse containing phenolic compounds on plaque formation and developing gingivitis. Sekino, S., Ramberg, P. Journal of clinical periodontology. (2005)
- The effect of a dentifrice and mouth rinse combination containing amine fluoride/stannous fluoride on plaque and gingivitis: a 6-month field study. Paraskevas, S., Versteeg, P.A., Timmerman, M.F., Van der Velden, U., Van der Weijden, G.A. Journal of clinical periodontology. (2005)
- Specific IgE-dependent sensitization, atopy, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in apprentices starting exposure to protein-derived agents. Gautrin, D., Infante-Rivard, C., Dao, T.V., Magnan-Larose, M., Desjardins, D., Malo, J.L. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. (1997)
- Exposure to low levels of fluoride and dental caries in deciduous molars of Tanzanian children. Frencken, J.E., König, K.G., Mulder, J., Truin, G.J. Caries Res. (1992)
- Dentistry's commitment to Head Start: an evaluation of selected programs. Parker, W.A., Fultz, R.P. Journal of the American Dental Association (1939) (1986)
- Sugar intake, taste changes and dental health in Crohn's disease. Schütz, T., Drude, C., Paulisch, E., Lange, K.P., Lochs, H. Digestive diseases (Basel, Switzerland) (2003)
- Initial therapy for the periodontally diseased patient. Levine, D.F., Green, M.S. Journal of the California Dental Association. (1993)
- Control of occlusal caries in the first permanent molars by oral hygiene. Arrow, P. Community dentistry and oral epidemiology. (1997)
- The effect of a one-stage full-mouth disinfection on different intra-oral niches. Clinical and microbiological observations. Bollen, C.M., Mongardini, C., Papaioannou, W., Van Steenberghe, D., Quirynen, M. Journal of clinical periodontology. (1998)
- Chemokine gene expression in human oral mucosa. Zehnder, M., Greenspan, J.S., Greenspan, D., Bickel, M. Eur. J. Oral Sci. (1999)
- Accessible sialic acid content of oral epithelial cells from healthy and gingivitis subjects. Davis, G., Gibbons, R.J. J. Periodont. Res. (1990)
- Full- vs. partial-mouth disinfection in the treatment of periodontal infections: short-term clinical and microbiological observations. Quirynen, M., Bollen, C.M., Vandekerckhove, B.N., Dekeyser, C., Papaioannou, W., Eyssen, H. J. Dent. Res. (1995)
- Association between marginal bone loss around osseointegrated mandibular implants and smoking habits: a 10-year follow-up study. Lindquist, L.W., Carlsson, G.E., Jemt, T. J. Dent. Res. (1997)
- Effects of alexidine.2HCL mouthwash on plaque and gingivitis after six months. Spolsky, V.W., Forsythe, A.B. J. Dent. Res. (1977)
- Membranotropic effects of the antibacterial agent Triclosan. Villalaín, J., Mateo, C.R., Aranda, F.J., Shapiro, S., Micol, V. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (2001)
- Clinical benefits of oral irrigation for periodontitis are related to reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokine levels and plaque. Cutler, C.W., Stanford, T.W., Abraham, C., Cederberg, R.A., Boardman, T.J., Ross, C. Journal of clinical periodontology. (2000)
- Acute-phase proteins in gingival crevicular fluid during experimentally induced gingivitis. Adonogianaki, E., Moughal, N.A., Mooney, J., Stirrups, D.R., Kinane, D.F. J. Periodont. Res. (1994)
- Relationship of surface epithelium concentrations of IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta to clinical inflammation during experimental gingivitis. Biesbrock, A., Yeh, C.H. Monographs in oral science. (2000)
- The role of risk factors for periodontal disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Gleissner, C., Willershausen, B., Kaesser, U., Bolten, W.W. Eur. J. Med. Res. (1998)
- Prevention of xerostomia-related dental caries in irradiated cancer patients. Dreizen, S., Brown, L.R., Daly, T.E., Drane, J.B. J. Dent. Res. (1977)
- Effect of initial periodontal therapy on sulcular/tongue sulfide level. A pilot study. Morita, M., Wang, H.L. Journal of clinical periodontology. (2002)
- The effects of a 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate mouthrinse on plaque, toothstaining and candida in aphthous ulcer patients. A double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over study. Addy, M., Hunter, L. Journal of clinical periodontology. (1987)
- Antimicrobial irrigation of periodontal furcation lesions to supplement oral hygiene instruction and root debridement. Nylund, K., Egelberg, J. Journal of clinical periodontology. (1990)
- Cyclosporin-induced gingival overgrowth: a clinical-epidemiological evaluation of 121 Italian renal transplant recipients. Vescovi, P., Meleti, M., Manfredi, M., Merigo, E., Pedrazzi, G. J. Periodontol. (2005)