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High impact information on Beverages

  • Cocaine in herbal tea [1].
  • The volatile essential oils of commonly used culinary herbs, spices, and herbal teas inhibit mevalonate synthesis and thereby suppress cholesterol synthesis and tumor growth [2].
  • As well as confirming the importance of the consumption of salted fish in childhood, this study has been the first to provide unequivocal evidence for two other factors implicated in increasing the risk of NPC in China, the adult consumption of traditional medicines (herbal tea) and exposure to domestic wood fumes [3].
  • A simple procedure based on stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) and high-performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD) is presented for the determination of 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in herbal tea prepared with Mate leaves (Ilex paraguariensis St [4].
  • Herbal teas interfere with cyclosporin levels in renal transplant patients [5].

Biological context of Beverages


Associations of Beverages with chemical compounds

  • These experiments by design focused on the water extract consumed commonly as an herbal tea, but chloroform and methanol extracts of spearmint also possessed antimutagenic activity against N-OH-IQ [8].
  • Since the compounds are structurally related to aloesin and aloeresin A, which are chemotaxonomic markers of Aloe species, and have not been previously reported, we propose that they were formed by oxidative degradation during preparation of the herbal tea from an Aloe species or during its storage [9].
  • Fluoride content in caffeinated, decaffeinated and herbal teas [10].
  • The results demonstrated that both alkaloids exist in a non-ionized form in CDCl(3), but in an ionized form in D(2)O, suggesting that this unique dual solubility may play a role in the intoxication resultant from consumption of water extracts of herbs, including herbal teas, containing otonecine-type pyrrolizidine alkaloids [11].
  • Patients on anticoagulant drugs should avoid herbal teas containing coumarin [12].

Gene context of Beverages

  • Determination of cocaine in "Mate de Coca" herbal tea [13].
  • Pulmonary function and symptoms in herbal tea workers [14].
  • In this study the correlation of phytochemical characteristics and antioxidative properties of classical herbal tea extracts-Infusum solidaginis, Decoctum solidaginis, Maceratum solidaginis-and tinctures prepared by various concentration of ethanol (40, 70, 96% v/v) have been examined for the release of flavonoids and their antioxidant activity [15].
  • The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of these two herbal teas were assessed in this study [16].
  • Reports suggest that Star anise herbal tea may be adulterated with Illicium anisatum Linn [17].


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  2. Health-promoting properties of common herbs. Craig, W.J. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. (1999) [Pubmed]
  3. Environmental and dietary risk factors for nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a case-control study in Zangwu County, Guangxi, China. Zheng, Y.M., Tuppin, P., Hubert, A., Jeannel, D., Pan, Y.J., Zeng, Y., de Thé, G. Br. J. Cancer (1994) [Pubmed]
  4. Stir bar sorptive extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Mate teas. Zuin, V.G., Montero, L., Bauer, C., Popp, P. Journal of chromatography. A. (2005) [Pubmed]
  5. Herbal teas interfere with cyclosporin levels in renal transplant patients. Nowack, R., Nowak, B. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. (2005) [Pubmed]
  6. Drug interaction of herbal tea containing St. John's wort with cyclosporine. Alscher, D.M., Klotz, U. Transpl. Int. (2003) [Pubmed]
  7. Effects of Cassia auriculata and Cardospermum halicacabum teas on the steady state blood levels of theophylline in rats. Thabrew, M.I., Munasinghe, T.M., Senarath, S., Yapa, R.M. Drug metabolism and drug interactions. (2004) [Pubmed]
  8. Antimutagenic activity of spearmint. Yu, T.W., Xu, M., Dashwood, R.H. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. (2004) [Pubmed]
  9. Structural characterization of chromone C-glucosides in a toxic herbal remedy. Wang, W., Cuyckens, F., Van den Heuvel, H., Apers, S., Pieters, L., Steenkamp, V., Stewart, M.J., Luyckx, V.A., Claeys, M. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. (2003) [Pubmed]
  10. Fluoride content in caffeinated, decaffeinated and herbal teas. Chan, J.T., Koh, S.H. Caries Res. (1996) [Pubmed]
  11. Characterization of two structural forms of otonecine-type pyrrolizidine alkaloids from Ligularia hodgsonii by NMR spectroscopy. Lin, G., Rose, P., Chatson, K.B., Hawes, E.M., Zhao, X.G., Wang, Z.T. J. Nat. Prod. (2000) [Pubmed]
  12. Toxic effects of herbal teas. Ridker, P.M. Arch. Environ. Health (1987) [Pubmed]
  13. Determination of cocaine in "Mate de Coca" herbal tea. Engelke, B.F., Gentner, W.A. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences. (1991) [Pubmed]
  14. Pulmonary function and symptoms in herbal tea workers. Castellan, R.M., Boehlecke, B.A., Petersen, M.R., Thedell, T.D., Merchant, J.A. Chest (1981) [Pubmed]
  15. Herbal remedies of Solidago--correlation of phytochemical characteristics and antioxidative properties. Apáti, P., Szentmihályi, K., Kristó, S.T., Papp, I., Vinkler, P., Szoke, E., Kéry, A. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. (2003) [Pubmed]
  16. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of ESSIAC and Flor-Essence. Cheung, S., Lim, K.T., Tai, J. Oncol. Rep. (2005) [Pubmed]
  17. Rapid and easy identification of Illicium verum Hook. f. and its adulterant Illicium anisatum Linn. by fluorescent microscopy and gas chromatography. Joshi, V.C., Srinivas, P.V., Khan, I.A. Journal of AOAC International. (2005) [Pubmed]
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