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Phenylephrine added to prophylactic ephedrine infusion during spinal anesthesia for elective cesarean section.

BACKGROUND: Because ephedrine infusion (2 mg/min) does not adequately prevent spinal hypotension during cesarean delivery, the authors investigated whether adding phenylephrine would improve its efficacy. METHODS: Thirty-nine parturients with American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status I-II who were scheduled for cesarean delivery received a crystalloid preload of 15 ml/kg. Spinal anesthesia was performed using 11 mg hyperbaric bupivacaine, 2.5 microg sufentanil, and 0.1 mg morphine. Maternal heart rate and systolic blood pressure were measured at frequent intervals. A vasopressor infusion was started immediately after spinal injection of either 2 mg/min ephedrine plus 10 microg/min phenylephrine or 2 mg/min ephedrine alone. Treatments were assigned randomly in a double-blind fashion. The infusion rate was adjusted according to systolic blood pressure using a predefined algorithm. Hypotension, defined as systolic blood pressure less than 100 mmHg and less than 80% of baseline, was treated with 6 mg ephedrine bolus doses. RESULTS: Hypotension occurred less frequently in the ephedrine-phenylephrine group than in the ephedrine-alone group: 37% versus 75% (P = 0.02). Ephedrine (36+/-16 mg, mean +/- SD) plus 178+/-81 microg phenylephrine was infused in former group, whereas 54+/-18 mg ephedrine was infused in the latter. Median supplemental ephedrine requirements and nausea scores (0-3) were less in the ephedrine-phenylephrine group (0 vs. 12 mg, P = 0.02; and 0 vs. 1.5, P = 0.01, respectively). Umbilical artery pH values were significantly higher in the ephedrine-phenylephrine group than in the group that received ephedrine alone (7.24 vs. 7.19). Apgar scores were similarly good in both groups. CONCLUSION: Phenylephrine added to an infusion of ephedrine halved the incidence of hypotension and increased umbilical cord pH.[1]


  1. Phenylephrine added to prophylactic ephedrine infusion during spinal anesthesia for elective cesarean section. Mercier, F.J., Riley, E.T., Frederickson, W.L., Roger-Christoph, S., Benhamou, D., Cohen, S.E. Anesthesiology (2001) [Pubmed]
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