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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Fission yeast Cdc23 interactions with DNA replication initiation proteins.

Schizosaccharomyces pombe Cdc23 is an essential DNA replication protein, conserved in eukaryotes and functionally homologous with Saccharomyces cerevisiae Dna43 (Mcm10). We sought evidence for interactions between Cdc23 and the MCM2-7 complex, a component of both the pre-replicative complex and the replication fork. Cdc23 shows genetic interactions with four MCM subunits: cdc23-M36 and cdc23-1E2 alleles both show synthetic phenotypes with mcm2 (cdc19-P1) and mcm6 (mis5-268), and cdc23-M36 is synthetically lethal with mcm4 (cdc21-K46) and with mcm5 (nda4-108). The wild-type cdc23 gene on multicopy plasmids can partially suppress temperature-dependent defects in mcm5 (nda4-108). Two-hybrid analysis demonstrates interactions at the protein-protein level between Cdc23 and Mcm4, Mcm5 and Mcm6. Cdc23 also interacts with four subunits of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe origin recognition complex (ORC) in yeast two-hybrid assay: Orc1, Orc2, Orc5 and Orc6. We found no evidence for interaction between Cdc23 and the MCM recruitment factor Cdc18 (the homologue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc6). Unlike Cdc18, Cdc23 mRNA shows no significant fluctuation in level through the cell cycle. These data suggest that fission yeast Cdc23 is an MCM-associated factor which has a role in the initiation of DNA replication.[1]


  1. Fission yeast Cdc23 interactions with DNA replication initiation proteins. Hart, E.A., Bryant, J.A., Moore, K., Aves, S.J. Curr. Genet. (2002) [Pubmed]
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