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Gene Review

ORC2  -  origin recognition complex subunit 2

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: Origin recognition complex 71 kDa subunit, Origin recognition complex subunit 2, RRR1, SIR5, YBR0523, ...
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Disease relevance of ORC2

  • In an attempt to purify recombinant human ORC from insect cells infected with baculoviruses expressing HsORC subunits, we found that human ORC2, -3, -4, and -5 form a core complex [1].

High impact information on ORC2


Biological context of ORC2

  • To study the function of the ORC during defined cell cycle periods, we performed cell cycle execution point analyses with strains containing a conditional mutation in the ORC1, ORC2 or ORC5 subunit of ORC [4].
  • Characterization of an essential Orc2p-associated factor that plays a role in DNA replication [5].
  • RRR1/ORC2 is an essential gene, but the rrr1-316 allele, which is viable, is defective in the replication of nuclear DNA and the maintenance of the 2-microns episomal DNA [6].
  • Mouse and human homologues of the yeast origin of replication recognition complex subunit ORC2 and chromosomal localization of the cognate human gene ORC2L [7].
  • The silencing defect caused by orc5-1 strengthened previous connections between ORC and silencing, and combined with the phenotypes caused by orc2 mutations, suggested that the complex itself functions in both processes [8].

Anatomical context of ORC2

  • Although Northern blot analysis of various adult mouse tissues found the highest levels of expression of ORC2-like (ORC2L) RNA in testes, strong signals did not always correspond to tissues in which high levels of DNA replication would be expected [7].
  • HsMcm10 associated with human Orc2 protein when overexpressed in COS-1 cells [9].
  • Depletion of Orc2 and Mcm3 by siRNA leads to an inhibition of cell proliferation, an altered cell cycle distribution as well as to multinucleated cells with insufficiently organised microtubules [10].
  • Using chromatin from HeLa cells in G1 phase, antibodies against Orc2p as well as antibodies against Mcm proteins specifically immunoprecipitate chromatin enriched for a DNA region that includes a replication origin [11].
  • Replicating macronuclei stained with Orc2 antibodies throughout development in wild-type cells but failed to do so in the amplification-defective rmm11 mutant [12].

Associations of ORC2 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of ORC2

  • CDC45 also interacts genetically with ORC2, the gene encoding the second subunit of the origin recognition complex, ORC, and MCM3, another member of the MCM family [14].
  • We demonstrate through both immunoprecipitation and two-hybrid assays that a domain comprising the first 296 aa of Dbf4p interacts with Orc2p and Orc3p subunits of the origin recognition complex (ORC) [15].

Other interactions of ORC2

  • Cdc7p, like Oaf1p, also interacts with Orc2p in two-hybrid assays [5].
  • In plants, however, the only cloned putative homologs of ORC subunits are the Arabidopsis ORC2 and the rice ORC1 [16].
  • PKA was not required for the assembly of ORC2, Cdc6 and MCM3 onto chromatin [17].
  • This mutant is unable to maintain interactions with either Mcm2 or Orc2 at the semipermissive temperature of 30 degrees C, while the interaction with Rad53 is preserved [18].
  • The sir5-2 mutation is unlinked to sir1-1, yet the two mutations do not complement each other: mata1/MAT alpha sir5-2/SIR5 SIR1/sir1-1 diploids are capable of sporulation [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ORC2


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  3. Role for a Xenopus Orc2-related protein in controlling DNA replication. Carpenter, P.B., Mueller, P.R., Dunphy, W.G. Nature (1996) [Pubmed]
  4. Cell cycle execution point analysis of ORC function and characterization of the checkpoint response to ORC inactivation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Gibson, D.G., Bell, S.P., Aparicio, O.M. Genes Cells (2006) [Pubmed]
  5. Characterization of an essential Orc2p-associated factor that plays a role in DNA replication. Hardy, C.F. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1996) [Pubmed]
  6. Yeast origin recognition complex is involved in DNA replication and transcriptional silencing. Micklem, G., Rowley, A., Harwood, J., Nasmyth, K., Diffley, J.F. Nature (1993) [Pubmed]
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