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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Resynchronization of ovulation and timed insemination in lactating dairy cows III. Administration of GnRH 23 days post AI and ultrasonography for nonpregnancy diagnosis on day 30.

The objective was to compare pregnancy rates to resynchronization and timed AI (TAI) protocols in lactating dairy cows that received GnRH at 23 d and were diagnosed not pregnant at 30 d after the pre-enrollment AI. Nonpregnant cows (624) at ultrasonography on day 30 (study day 0) were classified as diestrus (74.8%), metestrus (5.6%) and without a CL (19.5%). Cows in diestrus were assigned either to the GnRH group (PGF2alpha on day 0, GnRH on day 2 and TAI 16 h later, n = 238) or the estradiol cypionate (ECP) group (PGF2alpha on day 0, ECP on day 1, and TAI 36 h later, n = 229). Cows in metestrus were assigned to the Modified Heatsynch Group (GnRH on day 0, PGF(2alpha) on day 7, ECP on day 8 and TAI on day 9, n = 35). Cows without a CL (n = 122) were classified either as proestrus (10.6%), ovarian cysts (7.5%) or anestrus (1.4%), and assigned to factorial treatments (i.e., use of GnRH versus CIDR) to either the GnRH group (GnRH on day 0, PGF2alpha on day 7, GnRH on day 9 and TAI 16 h later, n = 28), the CIDR group (CIDR insert from days 0 to 7, PGF2alpha on day 7, GnRH on day 9 and TAI 16 h later, n = 34), the GnRH + CIDR group (GnRH on day 0, CIDR insert from days 0 to 7, PGF2alpha on day 7, GnRH on day 9 and TAI 16h later, n = 32), and the control group (PGF2alpha on day 7, GnRH on day 9 and TAI 16 h later, n = 28). For cows without a CL, plasma P4 concentrations were determined on days 0, 7, 10 and 17 and ovarian structures determined on days 0, 7 and 17. Pregnancy rates were evaluated at 30, 55 and 90 d after the resynchronized AI. For cows in diestrus, there were no differences in pregnancy rates on days 30, 55 and 90 for cows in the GnRH (27.5, 26.5 and 24.2%) or ECP (29.1, 25.5 and 24.1%) groups. In addition, there were no differences in pregnancy losses between days 30 and 55 and 55 and 90 between the GnRH (7.0 and 8.6%) and ECP (9.8 and 5.4%) groups. For cows without a CL, GnRH on day 0 increased the proportion of cows with a CL on days 7 and 17 and plasma P4 concentration on day 17 in cows with ovarian cysts but not for cows in proestrus. The CIDR insert increased pregnancy rate in cows with ovarian cysts but reduced pregnancy rate for cows in proestrus.[1]


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