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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Antiviral therapy in AIDS. Clinical pharmacological properties and therapeutic experience to date.

The rapid spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections and the grim outcome of these infections have focused interest on the possibilities for medical intervention. The end-stage of these infections, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), was first recognised in 1981, and the causative agent isolated in 1983. Already several antiviral drugs have been investigated. One initially promising drug, suramin, was found to have a net harmful effect but another, zidovudine (azidothymidine) has been shown to prolong life in AIDS patients. The properties of these and several other antiviral drugs such as antimoniotungstate (HPA-23), foscarnet (phosphonoformate) ribavirin, dideoxynucleotides, and interferons, are reviewed. The role of immunomodulating modalities such as plasmapheresis, bone marrow transplantation, thymosin, interleukin-2, inosine pranobex (isoprinosine), and cyclosporin are also discussed. None of the currently available drugs hold promise as monotherapy. Through analysis of the experience with these drugs and the increasing knowledge of HIV pathogenesis, new drugs can be designed. It seems increasingly clear that drugs will eventually have to be used in combination in order to reduce toxicity, exploit therapeutic synergy, and reduce the risk of HIV resistance. The theoretical and experimental background for such combinations are currently being elucidated.[1]


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