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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

Imunovir     4-acetamidobenzoic acid; 9-[(2R,3R,4S,5R)...

Synonyms: Delimmun, Inosiplex, Isoprinosin, Isoprinosine, Metisoprinol, ...
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Disease relevance of Isoprinosin


Psychiatry related information on Isoprinosin

  • To determine whether there is a critical period of time during the assay when isoprinosine has its effect, the cells were selectively preexposed to drug and/or mitogen for a limited period of time, then cultured [5].

High impact information on Isoprinosin


Chemical compound and disease context of Isoprinosin


Biological context of Isoprinosin


Anatomical context of Isoprinosin

  • Antimeasles antibody was absent in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) when measured by conventional immunoassay techniques, there was no clinical response to isoprinosine, and the patient showed a selective absence of CSF antibody response to the matrix protein and only a partial serum antibody response to this measles polypeptide [9].
  • Inosiplex, a stimulating agent for normal human T cells and human leukocytes [19].
  • Finally, inosiplex also increases the percentage of monocytes phagocytizing yeast at a concentration between 50 and 500 microgram/ml [19].
  • Isoprinosine augmentation of phytohemagglutinin-induced lymphocyte proliferation [20].
  • The need for agents designed to modify immune response in the treatment of patients with viral infection, immunodeficiency, or cancer prompted the present study on the mechanisms of action of isoprinosine, a compound developed for antiviral use and whose therapeutic activity may involve the immune system [20].

Associations of Isoprinosin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Isoprinosin


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Isoprinosin


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