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Gene Review

Src42A  -  Src oncogene at 42A

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG14471, CG44128, CG7873, DSrc42A, Dm SRC41, ...
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Disease relevance of Src42A

  • Activation of Raf-1 via baculovirus coexpression with oncogenic Src or Ras in Sf9 cells was also strongly inhibited by dominant negative p50(cdc37) or by GA [1].

High impact information on Src42A

  • Mutants for Src42A, a Drosophila c-src protooncogene homolog, are described [2].
  • Src42A functions in epidermal closure during both embryogenesis and metamorphosis [2].
  • Dominant-negative mutant phenotypes were suppressed and enhanced, respectively, by increasing and decreasing the copy number of wild-type Dsrc41 [3].
  • Strikingly, we found that several cnk loss-of-function alleles have mutations clustered in this area and provide evidence that these mutations impair Src42 binding [4].
  • Src42 binding activity regulates Drosophila RAF by a novel CNK-dependent derepression mechanism [4].

Biological context of Src42A

  • Furthermore, Src42A mutations enhance the dfer mutant phenotype, suggesting that Src42A and DFer act in the same cellular process [5].
  • In cultured S2 embryonic cells, Ddok tyrosine phosphorylation is Src dependent; Shark associates with Ddok and Ddok localizes at the cell cortex, together with a portion of the Shark protein [6].
  • To isolate genes involved in the same pathway where Src42A functions, we carried out genetic screens for dominant suppressor mutations that prevented Su(Raf)1 from suppressing Raf [7].
  • Protein folding kinetic data have been obtained for the marginally stable N-terminal Src homology 3 domain of the Drosophila protein drk (drkN SH3) in an investigation of the hydrodynamic properties of its folding transition state [8].
  • Fes/FER_SR shows next to best homology with the Abl family of non-receptor PTKs, while Src-related PTKs from the fresh-water sponge Spongilla lacustris are related only distantly to Fes/FER_SR [9].

Associations of Src42A with chemical compounds

  • Candidate testing implicates Src42A in a similar role, suggesting conservation with a vertebrate signaling pathway involving non-receptor tyrosine kinases [10].

Other interactions of Src42A

  • Overexpression of either wild-type Drosophila SFK (Src64 and Src42) is sufficient to induce ectopic proliferation in G1/G0-arrested, uncommitted cells in eye imaginal discs [11].
  • A genetic screen for modifiers of drosophila Src42A identifies mutations in Egfr, rolled and a novel signaling gene [7].
  • Requirements of genetic interactions between Src42A, armadillo and shotgun, a gene encoding E-cadherin, for normal development in Drosophila [12].
  • This work provides the first genetic evidence that both Src42A and sag are modulators of RTK signaling [7].
  • Mutations in Src42A cause defects in dorsal closure similar to those seen in dfer mutant embryos [5].


  1. p50(cdc37) acting in concert with Hsp90 is required for Raf-1 function. Grammatikakis, N., Lin, J.H., Grammatikakis, A., Tsichlis, P.N., Cochran, B.H. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1999) [Pubmed]
  2. Regulation of JNK by Src during Drosophila development. Tateno, M., Nishida, Y., Adachi-Yamada, T. Science (2000) [Pubmed]
  3. Regulation of cell-cell contacts in developing Drosophila eyes by Dsrc41, a new, close relative of vertebrate c-src. Takahashi, F., Endo, S., Kojima, T., Saigo, K. Genes Dev. (1996) [Pubmed]
  4. Src42 binding activity regulates Drosophila RAF by a novel CNK-dependent derepression mechanism. Laberge, G., Douziech, M., Therrien, M. EMBO J. (2005) [Pubmed]
  5. The Fes/Fer non-receptor tyrosine kinase cooperates with Src42A to regulate dorsal closure in Drosophila. Murray, M.J., Davidson, C.M., Hayward, N.M., Brand, A.H. Development (2006) [Pubmed]
  6. Drosophila Dok is required for embryonic dorsal closure. Biswas, R., Stein, D., Stanley, E.R. Development (2006) [Pubmed]
  7. A genetic screen for modifiers of drosophila Src42A identifies mutations in Egfr, rolled and a novel signaling gene. Zhang, Q., Zheng, Q., Lu, X. Genetics (1999) [Pubmed]
  8. Characterization of the hydrodynamic properties of the folding transition state of an SH3 domain by magnetization transfer NMR spectroscopy. Tollinger, M., Neale, C., Kay, L.E., Forman-Kay, J.D. Biochemistry (2006) [Pubmed]
  9. Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of a cDNA encoding the Fes/FER related, non-receptor protein-tyrosine kinase in the marine sponge sycon raphanus. Cetkovic, H., Müller, I.M., Müller, W.E., Gamulin, V. Gene (1998) [Pubmed]
  10. bullwinkle and shark regulate dorsal-appendage morphogenesis in Drosophila oogenesis. Tran, D.H., Berg, C.A. Development (2003) [Pubmed]
  11. Drosophila Src-family kinases function with Csk to regulate cell proliferation and apoptosis. Pedraza, L.G., Stewart, R.A., Li, D.M., Xu, T. Oncogene (2004) [Pubmed]
  12. Requirements of genetic interactions between Src42A, armadillo and shotgun, a gene encoding E-cadherin, for normal development in Drosophila. Takahashi, M., Takahashi, F., Ui-Tei, K., Kojima, T., Saigo, K. Development (2005) [Pubmed]
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