Gene Review:
Frk - fyn-related kinase
Mus musculus
BSK, BSK/IYK, Beta-cell Src-homology tyrosine kinase, Bsk, C85044, ...
- The tyrosine kinase FRK/RAK participates in cytokine-induced islet cell cytotoxicity. Welsh, M., Welsh, C., Ekman, M., Dixelius, J., Hägerkvist, R., Annerén, C., Akerblom, B., Mahboobi, S., Chandrasekharan, S., Liu, E.T. Biochem. J. (2004)
- Use of the C3H/He Lyme disease mouse model for the recovery of a Spanish isolate of Borrelia garinii from erythema migrans lesions. Oteo, J.A., Backenson, P.B., del Mar Vitutia, M., García Moncó, J.C., Rodríguez, I., Escudero, R., Anda, P. Res. Microbiol. (1998)
- Lyme borreliosis: a relapsing fever-like disease? Burgdorfer, W., Schwan, T.G. Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases. Supplementum. (1991)
- Characterization of mice deficient in the Src family nonreceptor tyrosine kinase Frk/rak. Chandrasekharan, S., Qiu, T.H., Alkharouf, N., Brantley, K., Mitchell, J.B., Liu, E.T. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2002)
- GTK, a Src-related tyrosine kinase, induces nerve growth factor-independent neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells through activation of the Rap1 pathway. Relationship to Shb tyrosine phosphorylation and elevated levels of focal adhesion kinase. Annerén, C., Reedquist, K.A., Bos, J.L., Welsh, M. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
- Cloning of BSK, a murine FRK homologue with a specific pattern of tissue distribution. Oberg-Welsh, C., Welsh, M. Gene (1995)
- Dual role of the tyrosine kinase GTK and the adaptor protein SHB in beta-cell growth: enhanced beta-cell replication after 60% pancreatectomy and increased sensitivity to streptozotocin. Annerén, C. J. Endocrinol. (2002)
- Transmission of Borrelia burgdorferi by Ixodes pacificus nymphs and reservoir competence of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) infected by tick-bite. Peavey, C.A., Lane, R.S. J. Parasitol. (1995)