Gene Review:
phl - pole hole
Drosophila melanogaster
11-29, C110, CG2845, D-RAF, D-Raf, ...
- The torso receptor tyrosine kinase can activate Raf in a Ras-independent pathway. Hou, X.S., Chou, T.B., Melnick, M.B., Perrimon, N. Cell (1995)
- A protein kinase similar to MAP kinase activator acts downstream of the raf kinase in Drosophila. Tsuda, L., Inoue, Y.H., Yoo, M.A., Mizuno, M., Hata, M., Lim, Y.M., Adachi-Yamada, T., Ryo, H., Masamune, Y., Nishida, Y. Cell (1993)
- Down-regulation of the Drosophila morphogen bicoid by the torso receptor-mediated signal transduction cascade. Ronchi, E., Treisman, J., Dostatni, N., Struhl, G., Desplan, C. Cell (1993)
- Requirement of the Drosophila raf homologue for torso function. Ambrosio, L., Mahowald, A.P., Perrimon, N. Nature (1989)
- Src42 binding activity regulates Drosophila RAF by a novel CNK-dependent derepression mechanism. Laberge, G., Douziech, M., Therrien, M. EMBO J. (2005)
- Biochemical analysis of torso and D-raf during Drosophila embryogenesis: implications for terminal signal transduction. Sprenger, F., Trosclair, M.M., Morrison, D.K. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1993)
- Ras-independent activation of ERK signaling via the torso receptor tyrosine kinase is mediated by Rap1. Mishra, S., Smolik, S.M., Forte, M.A., Stork, P.J. Curr. Biol. (2005)
- Characterization of maternal and zygotic D-raf proteins: dominant negative effects on Torso signal transduction. Radke, K., Baek, K.H., Ambrosio, L. Genetics (1997)
- KSR modulates signal propagation within the MAPK cascade. Therrien, M., Michaud, N.R., Rubin, G.M., Morrison, D.K. Genes Dev. (1996)
- Cell surface proteins Nasrat and Polehole stabilize the Torso-like extracellular determinant in Drosophila oogenesis. Jiménez, G., González-Reyes, A., Casanova, J. Genes Dev. (2002)
- Drosophila-raf acts to elaborate dorsoventral pattern in the ectoderm of developing embryos. Radke, K., Johnson, K., Guo, R., Davidson, A., Ambrosio, L. Genetics (2001)
- Association of membrane-associated guanylate kinase-interacting protein-1 with Raf-1. Yao, I., Ohtsuka, T., Kawabe, H., Matsuura, Y., Takai, Y., Hata, Y. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2000)
- The activity of D-raf in torso signal transduction is altered by serine substitution, N-terminal deletion, and membrane targeting. Baek, K.H., Fabian, J.R., Sprenger, F., Morrison, D.K., Ambrosio, L. Dev. Biol. (1996)
- Transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila raf proto-oncogene by Drosophila STAT during development and in immune response. Kwon, E.J., Park, H.S., Kim, Y.S., Oh, E.J., Nishida, Y., Matsukage, A., Yoo, M.A., Yamaguchi, M. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
- Dominant mutations of Drosophila MAP kinase kinase and their activities in Drosophila and yeast MAP kinase cascades. Lim, Y.M., Tsuda, L., Inoue, Y.H., Irie, K., Adachi-Yamada, T., Hata, M., Nishi, Y., Matsumoto, K., Nishida, Y. Genetics (1997)
- Bimodal regulation of RAF by CNK in Drosophila. Douziech, M., Roy, F., Laberge, G., Lefrançois, M., Armengod, A.V., Therrien, M. EMBO J. (2003)
- DREF is required for EGFR signalling during Drosophila wing vein development. Yoshida, H., Kwon, E., Hirose, F., Otsuki, K., Yamada, M., Yamaguchi, M. Genes Cells (2004)
- The Hopscotch Jak kinase requires the Raf pathway to promote blood cell activation and differentiation in Drosophila. Luo, H., Rose, P.E., Roberts, T.M., Dearolf, C.R. Mol. Genet. Genomics (2002)
- Control of cell fate determination by p21ras/Ras1, an essential component of torso signaling in Drosophila. Lu, X., Chou, T.B., Williams, N.G., Roberts, T., Perrimon, N. Genes Dev. (1993)
- A KSR/CNK complex mediated by HYP, a novel SAM domain-containing protein, regulates RAS-dependent RAF activation in Drosophila. Douziech, M., Sahmi, M., Laberge, G., Therrien, M. Genes Dev. (2006)
- Characterization of downstream elements in a Raf-1 pathway. Liaw, G.J., Steingrimsson, E., Pignoni, F., Courey, A.J., Lengyel, J.A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1993)
- Drosophila melanogaster homologs of the raf oncogene. Mark, G.E., MacIntyre, R.J., Digan, M.E., Ambrosio, L., Perrimon, N. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1987)
- Quantitative variations in the level of MAPK activity control patterning of the embryonic termini in Drosophila. Ghiglione, C., Perrimon, N., Perkins, L.A. Dev. Biol. (1999)