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Gene Review

LP1  -  non-specific lipid-transfer protein 1

Arabidopsis thaliana

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Disease relevance of LP1

  • Purified lipid transfer protein LTP2 from barley applied on tobacco leaves eliminated symptoms caused by infiltration of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci 153 [1].

High impact information on LP1

  • Two major routes for membrane lipid transport are recognized: vesicular trafficking and lipid transfer at zones of close contact between membranes [2].
  • Interestingly, many genes thought to be responsible for cold acclimation such as COR, lipid transfer protein, and beta-amylase, that are highly induced in Arabidopsis leaves, were only expressed at their normal level or weakly induced in the pollen [3].
  • The predicted GAP include homologs of beta-1,3-glucanases (16), metallo- and aspartyl proteases (13), glycerophosphodiesterases (6), phytocyanins (25), multi-copper oxidases (2), extensins (6), plasma membrane receptors (19), and lipid-transfer-proteins (18) [4].
  • The BARNASE gene was expressed in the Arabidopsis embryo under the control of two promoters, one from the cyclin AtCYCB1 gene and one from the AtLTP1 gene (Lipid Transfer Protein 1) [5].
  • Transactivation of BARNASE under the AtLTP1 promoter affects the basal pole of the embryo and shoot development of the adult plant in Arabidopsis [5].

Biological context of LP1

  • The LTP1 promoter region contained sequences homologous to putative regulatory elements of genes in the phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathway, suggesting that the expression of the LTP1 gene may be regulated by the same or similar mechanisms as genes in the phenylpropanoid pathway [6].
  • The N-terminal amino acid sequences of these proteins allowed their identification as lipid transfer proteins (LTP-a1, LTP-a2); the LTP1-a1 sequence was identical to that deduced from a previously described cDNA (EMBL M80566) and LTP-a2 was quite divergent (44% identical positions) [7].
  • AtLTP1 luciferase expression during carrot somatic embryogenesis [8].
  • However, not all cell clusters that expressed the AtLTP1 luciferase reporter gene developed into a somatic embryo, suggesting that initiation of an embryogenic pathway in tissue culture does not always lead to development of a somatic embryo [8].
  • To develop a vital reporter system for gene expression during somatic embryo development a 1.1 kB fragment of the Arabidopsis thaliana LTP1 promoter was fused to the firefly luciferase (LUC) coding sequence [8].

Anatomical context of LP1

  • These results are consistent with a role for the LTP1 gene product in some aspect of secretion or deposition of lipophilic substances in the cell walls of expanding epidermal cells and certain secretory tissues [6].

Associations of LP1 with chemical compounds


  1. Enhanced tolerance to bacterial pathogens caused by the transgenic expression of barley lipid transfer protein LTP2. Molina, A., García-Olmedo, F. Plant J. (1997) [Pubmed]
  2. Optical Manipulation Reveals Strong Attracting Forces at Membrane Contact Sites between Endoplasmic Reticulum and Chloroplasts. Andersson, M.X., Goks??r, M., Sandelius, A.S. J. Biol. Chem. (2007) [Pubmed]
  3. Use of serial analysis of gene expression technology to reveal changes in gene expression in Arabidopsis pollen undergoing cold stress. Lee, J.Y., Lee, D.H. Plant Physiol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  4. Prediction of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins in Arabidopsis. A genomic analysis. Borner, G.H., Sherrier, D.J., Stevens, T.J., Arkin, I.T., Dupree, P. Plant Physiol. (2002) [Pubmed]
  5. Transactivation of BARNASE under the AtLTP1 promoter affects the basal pole of the embryo and shoot development of the adult plant in Arabidopsis. Baroux, C., Blanvillain, R., Moore, I.R., Gallois, P. Plant J. (2001) [Pubmed]
  6. Tissue-specific expression of a gene encoding a cell wall-localized lipid transfer protein from Arabidopsis. Thoma, S., Hecht, U., Kippers, A., Botella, J., De Vries, S., Somerville, C. Plant Physiol. (1994) [Pubmed]
  7. Purification and antipathogenic activity of lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) from the leaves of Arabidopsis and spinach. Segura, A., Moreno, M., García-Olmedo, F. FEBS Lett. (1993) [Pubmed]
  8. AtLTP1 luciferase expression during carrot somatic embryogenesis. Toonen, M.A., Verhees, J.A., Schmidt, E.D., van Kammen, A., de Vries, S.C. Plant J. (1997) [Pubmed]
  9. Lipid transfer protein 1 is a possible allergen in Arabidopsis thaliana. Chardin, H., Mayer, C., Sénéchal, H., Wal, J.M., Poncet, P., Desvaux, F.X., Peltre, G. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. (2003) [Pubmed]
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