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Gene Review

HB-7  -  homeobox-leucine zipper protein ATHB-7

Arabidopsis thaliana

Synonyms: ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA HOMEOBOX 7, ATHB-7, ATHB7, T3A4.6, homeobox 7
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Disease relevance of ATHB-7

  • Taken together, these data suggest that Athb-12 and Athb-7 are members of a related gene family involved in the plant's response to water stress [1].

High impact information on ATHB-7

  • These results indicate that ATHB-7 is transcriptionally regulated in an ABA-dependent manner and may act in a signal transduction pathway which mediates a drought response and also includes ABI1 [2].
  • The induction of ATHB-7 was shown to be mediated strictly via ABA, since no induction of ATHB-7 was detectable in the ABA-deficient mutant aba-3 subjected to drought treatment [2].
  • The ATHB-7 transcript was detected within 30 min after treatment with ABA and the transcript level was rapidly reduced after removal of the hormone [2].
  • The Arabidopsis homeobox gene ATHB-7 is induced by water deficit and by abscisic acid [2].
  • The Arabidopsis thaliana homeodomain leucine-zipper gene ATHB7 , which is active specifically under water deficit conditions, is proposed to act as a negative regulator of growth (Soderman et al ., 1996, Plant J. 10: 375 381; Hjellstrom et al ., 2003, Plant Cell Environ 26: 1127 1136) [3].

Chemical compound and disease context of ATHB-7


Biological context of ATHB-7


Associations of ATHB-7 with chemical compounds

  • ATHB-7 transcripts were present in all organs of the plant at low levels, but expression was induced several-fold by water deficit, osmotic stress as well as by exogenous treatment with abscisic acid (ABA), a response being detectable at 10(-8) M and reaching a maximum at 10(-6) M ABA [2].

Other interactions of ATHB-7

  • These clones, Athb-5, Athb-6 and Athb-7, hybridized to transcripts that were relatively abundant in the leaf, but also present in other vegetative organs, as well as in the flower [4].


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