Gene Review:
ABI2 - protein phosphatase 2C 77
Arabidopsis thaliana
- Abscisic acid induces the alcohol dehydrogenase gene in Arabidopsis. de Bruxelles, G.L., Peacock, W.J., Dennis, E.S., Dolferus, R. Plant Physiol. (1996)
- Ca2+-dependent protein kinases and stress signal transduction in plants. Sheen, J. Science (1996)
- A protein phosphatase 2C involved in ABA signal transduction in Arabidopsis thaliana. Meyer, K., Leube, M.P., Grill, E. Science (1994)
- Homeodomain protein ATHB6 is a target of the protein phosphatase ABI1 and regulates hormone responses in Arabidopsis. Himmelbach, A., Hoffmann, T., Leube, M., Höhener, B., Grill, E. EMBO J. (2002)
- An Arabidopsis glutathione peroxidase functions as both a redox transducer and a scavenger in abscisic Acid and drought stress responses. Miao, Y., Lv, D., Wang, P., Wang, X.C., Chen, J., Miao, C., Song, C.P. Plant Cell (2006)
- Physical and functional interaction of the Arabidopsis K(+) channel AKT2 and phosphatase AtPP2CA. Chérel, I., Michard, E., Platet, N., Mouline, K., Alcon, C., Sentenac, H., Thibaud, J.B. Plant Cell (2002)
- Convergence of the abscisic acid, CO2, and extracellular calcium signal transduction pathways in stomatal guard cells. Webb, A.A., Hetherington, A.M. Plant Physiol. (1997)
- Molecular cloning in Arabidopsis thaliana of a new protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) with homology to ABI1 and ABI2. Rodriguez, P.L., Leube, M.P., Grill, E. Plant Mol. Biol. (1998)
- A hypermorphic mutation in the protein phosphatase 2C HAB1 strongly affects ABA signaling in Arabidopsis. Robert, N., Merlot, S., N'guyen, V., Boisson-Dernier, A., Schroeder, J.I. FEBS Lett. (2006)
- The Arabidopsis ABSCISIC ACID-INSENSITIVE2 (ABI2) and ABI1 genes encode homologous protein phosphatases 2C involved in abscisic acid signal transduction. Leung, J., Merlot, S., Giraudat, J. Plant Cell (1997)
- Abscisic acid activation of plasma membrane Ca(2+) channels in guard cells requires cytosolic NAD(P)H and is differentially disrupted upstream and downstream of reactive oxygen species production in abi1-1 and abi2-1 protein phosphatase 2C mutants. Murata, Y., Pei, Z.M., Mori, I.C., Schroeder, J. Plant Cell (2001)
- Fibrillin expression is regulated by abscisic acid response regulators and is involved in abscisic acid-mediated photoprotection. Yang, Y., Sulpice, R., Himmelbach, A., Meinhard, M., Christmann, A., Grill, E. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2006)
- A novel domain in the protein kinase SOS2 mediates interaction with the protein phosphatase 2C ABI2. Ohta, M., Guo, Y., Halfter, U., Zhu, J.K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2003)
- The sensitivity of ABI2 to hydrogen peroxide links the abscisic acid-response regulator to redox signalling. Meinhard, M., Rodriguez, P.L., Grill, E. Planta (2002)
- The AKT3 potassium channel protein interacts with the AtPP2CA protein phosphatase 2C. Vranová, E., Tähtiharju, S., Sriprang, R., Willekens, H., Heino, P., Palva, E.T., Inzé, D., Van Camp, W. J. Exp. Bot. (2001)
- Heat stress phenotypes of Arabidopsis mutants implicate multiple signaling pathways in the acquisition of thermotolerance. Larkindale, J., Hall, J.D., Knight, M.R., Vierling, E. Plant Physiol. (2005)
- Glucose delays seed germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. Dekkers, B.J., Schuurmans, J.A., Smeekens, S.C. Planta (2004)
- A bifurcating pathway directs abscisic acid effects on stomatal closure and opening in Arabidopsis. Mishra, G., Zhang, W., Deng, F., Zhao, J., Wang, X. Science (2006)