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Gene Review

PIN3  -  auxin efflux carrier component 3

Arabidopsis thaliana

Synonyms: ARABIDOPSIS PIN-FORMED 3, ATPIN3, F15H11.14, F15H11_14, PIN-FORMED 3
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High impact information on PIN3

  • Mutations in the Arabidopsis gene PIN3, a regulator of auxin efflux, alter differential growth [1].
  • In addition, actin-dependent relocalization of PIN3 in response to gravity provides a mechanism for redirecting auxin flux to trigger asymmetric growth [1].
  • In the root columella, PIN3 is positioned symmetrically at the plasma membrane but rapidly relocalizes laterally on gravity stimulation [1].
  • Lateral relocation of auxin efflux regulator PIN3 mediates tropism in Arabidopsis [1].
  • PIN3 is expressed in gravity-sensing tissues, with PIN3 protein accumulating predominantly at the lateral cell surface [1].

Biological context of PIN3

  • The root morphogenesis and gravitropism defects of adk1-1 are accompanied by altered expression of the PIN3 auxin efflux facilitator in the cap and decreased expression of the auxin-responsive DR5-GUS reporter [2].

Anatomical context of PIN3


Associations of PIN3 with chemical compounds

  • Localization of PID or PIN3 at the cell boundary was disrupted by brefeldin A and staurosporine [3].
  • Our data indicate that PIN3 is a component of the lateral auxin transport system regulating tropic growth [1].

Other interactions of PIN3

  • Interestingly, adk1-1 does not affect gravity-induced cytoplasmic alkalinization of the root statocytes, suggesting either that ADK1 functions between cytoplasmic alkalinization and PIN3 relocalization in a linear pathway or that the pH and PIN3-relocalization responses to gravistimulation belong to distinct branches of the pathway [2].
  • CsPIN2, AtPIN3, AtPIN4 and AtPIN7 fall within the same clade [4].
  • Deduced BjPIN1 shared 65% identities at protein level with AtPIN1 and was highly homologous to other putative PIN proteins of Arabidopsis (with highest homology to AtPIN3) [5].


  1. Lateral relocation of auxin efflux regulator PIN3 mediates tropism in Arabidopsis. Friml, J., Wiśniewska, J., Benková, E., Mendgen, K., Palme, K. Nature (2002) [Pubmed]
  2. Adenosine kinase modulates root gravitropism and cap morphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Young, L.S., Harrison, B.R., U M, N.M., Moffatt, B.A., Gilroy, S., Masson, P.H. Plant Physiol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  3. PINOID positively regulates auxin efflux in Arabidopsis root hair cells and tobacco cells. Lee, S.H., Cho, H.T. Plant Cell (2006) [Pubmed]
  4. Isolation of auxin efflux carrier cDNA from cucumber. Hotta, T., Kim, D.H., Kamada, M., Fujii, N., Kim, K.M., Takahashi, H. Biol. Sci. Space (2003) [Pubmed]
  5. Isolation and functional analysis of a Brassica juncea gene encoding a component of auxin efflux carrier. Ni, W.M., Chen, X.Y., Xu, Z.H., Xue, H.W. Cell Res. (2002) [Pubmed]
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