Gene Review:
PIN1 - auxin efflux carrier component 1
Arabidopsis thaliana
- Local, efflux-dependent auxin gradients as a common module for plant organ formation. Benková, E., Michniewicz, M., Sauer, M., Teichmann, T., Seifertová, D., Jürgens, G., Friml, J. Cell (2003)
- Endosome-specific localization and function of the ARF activator GNOM. Bonifacino, J.S., Jackson, C.L. Cell (2003)
- The Arabidopsis GNOM ARF-GEF mediates endosomal recycling, auxin transport, and auxin-dependent plant growth. Geldner, N., Anders, N., Wolters, H., Keicher, J., Kornberger, W., Muller, P., Delbarre, A., Ueda, T., Nakano, A., Jürgens, G. Cell (2003)
- Coordinated polar localization of auxin efflux carrier PIN1 by GNOM ARF GEF. Steinmann, T., Geldner, N., Grebe, M., Mangold, S., Jackson, C.L., Paris, S., Gälweiler, L., Palme, K., Jürgens, G. Science (1999)
- PIN-FORMED 1 regulates cell fate at the periphery of the shoot apical meristem. Vernoux, T., Kronenberger, J., Grandjean, O., Laufs, P., Traas, J. Development (2000)
- A PINOID-dependent binary switch in apical-basal PIN polar targeting directs auxin efflux. Friml, J., Yang, X., Michniewicz, M., Weijers, D., Quint, A., Tietz, O., Benjamins, R., Ouwerkerk, P.B., Ljung, K., Sandberg, G., Hooykaas, P.J., Palme, K., Offringa, R. Science (2004)
- Roles of PIN-FORMED1 and MONOPTEROS in pattern formation of the apical region of the Arabidopsis embryo. Aida, M., Vernoux, T., Furutani, M., Traas, J., Tasaka, M. Development (2002)
- Gradual shifts in sites of free-auxin production during leaf-primordium development and their role in vascular differentiation and leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Aloni, R., Schwalm, K., Langhans, M., Ullrich, C.I. Planta (2003)
- Enhanced gravi- and phototropism in plant mdr mutants mislocalizing the auxin efflux protein PIN1. Noh, B., Bandyopadhyay, A., Peer, W.A., Spalding, E.P., Murphy, A.S. Nature (2003)
- Subcellular Trafficking of the Arabidopsis Auxin Influx Carrier AUX1 Uses a Novel Pathway Distinct from PIN1. Kleine-Vehn, J., Dhonukshe, P., Swarup, R., Bennett, M., Friml, J. Plant Cell (2006)
- PINOID positively regulates auxin efflux in Arabidopsis root hair cells and tobacco cells. Lee, S.H., Cho, H.T. Plant Cell (2006)
- AtSNX1 defines an endosome for auxin-carrier trafficking in Arabidopsis. Jaillais, Y., Fobis-Loisy, I., Miège, C., Rollin, C., Gaude, T. Nature (2006)
- SCARFACE encodes an ARF-GAP that is required for normal auxin efflux and vein patterning in Arabidopsis. Sieburth, L.E., Muday, G.K., King, E.J., Benton, G., Kim, S., Metcalf, K.E., Meyers, L., Seamen, E., Van Norman, J.M. Plant Cell (2006)
- Dynamics of MONOPTEROS and PIN-FORMED1 expression during leaf vein pattern formation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Wenzel, C.L., Schuetz, M., Yu, Q., Mattsson, J. Plant J. (2007)
- The gene ENHANCER OF PINOID controls cotyledon development in the Arabidopsis embryo. Treml, B.S., Winderl, S., Radykewicz, R., Herz, M., Schweizer, G., Hutzler, P., Glawischnig, E., Ruiz, R.A. Development (2005)
- Maintenance of embryonic auxin distribution for apical-basal patterning by PIN-FORMED-dependent auxin transport in Arabidopsis. Weijers, D., Sauer, M., Meurette, O., Friml, J., Ljung, K., Sandberg, G., Hooykaas, P., Offringa, R. Plant Cell (2005)
- Efflux-dependent auxin gradients establish the apical-basal axis of Arabidopsis. Friml, J., Vieten, A., Sauer, M., Weijers, D., Schwarz, H., Hamann, T., Offringa, R., Jürgens, G. Nature (2003)
- STY1 regulates auxin homeostasis and affects apical-basal patterning of the Arabidopsis gynoecium. Sohlberg, J.J., Myrenås, M., Kuusk, S., Lagercrantz, U., Kowalczyk, M., Sandberg, G., Sundberg, E. Plant J. (2006)