MeSH Review:
- Magnesium toxicity secondary to catharsis during management of theophylline poisoning. Garrelts, J.C., Watson, W.A., Holloway, K.D., Sweet, D.E. The American journal of emergency medicine. (1989)
- Hypermagnesemia associated with catharsis in a salicylate-intoxicated patient with anorexia nervosa. Gren, J., Woolf, A. Annals of emergency medicine. (1989)
- Bibliotherapy and beyond. Lanza, M.L. Perspectives in psychiatric care. (1996)
- Perfusion of rabbit colon with ricinoleic acid: dose-related mucosal injury, fluid secretion, and increased permeability. Gaginella, T.S., Chadwick, V.S., Debongnie, J.C., Lewis, J.C., Phillips, S.F. Gastroenterology (1977)
- Lactitol vs. lactulose in the treatment of acute hepatic encephalopathy in cirrhotic patients: a double-blind, randomized trial. Morgan, M.Y., Hawley, K.E. Hepatology (1987)
- Increased serotonin after a suicide attempt: coincidence or catharsis? Bräunig, P., Pollentier, S., Rao, M.L. Biol. Psychiatry (1988)
- Lactitol versus lactulose in the treatment of chronic hepatic encephalopathy. A double-blind, randomised, cross-over study. Morgan, M.Y., Hawley, K.E., Stambuk, D. J. Hepatol. (1987)
- Cellulose derivatives and intestinal absorption of water and electrolytes: potential role in oral rehydration solutions. Wapnir, R.A., Wingertzahn, M.A., Teichberg, S. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. (1997)
- Sorbitol catharsis does not enhance efficacy of charcoal in a simulated acetaminophen overdose. McNamara, R.M., Aaron, C.K., Gemborys, M., Davidheiser, S. Annals of emergency medicine. (1988)
- Gastrointestinal transit times of cathartics combined with charcoal. Krenzelok, E.P., Keller, R., Stewart, R.D. Annals of emergency medicine. (1985)
- Prevention of drug absorption in simulated theophylline overdose. Minton, N.A., Henry, J.A. J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. (1995)
- Serum magnesium concentrations after repetitive magnesium cathartic administration. Woodard, J.A., Shannon, M., Lacouture, P.G., Woolf, A. The American journal of emergency medicine. (1990)
- "If you love someone, you don't hurt them": a comprehensive process analysis of a weeping event in therapy. Labott, S.M., Elliott, R., Eason, P.S. Psychiatry. (1992)
- A survey of psychologists' perspectives on catharsis. Biaggio, M.K. The Journal of psychology. (1987)
- School vandalism: individual and social context. Horowitz, T., Tobaly, D. Adolescence. (2003)
- Cecal vitamin bezoar formation inducing abdominal discomfort. Hunt-Fugate, A.K., Schmidt, H.J. The Annals of pharmacotherapy. (1992)