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Problem Solving

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Disease relevance of Problem Solving


Psychiatry related information on Problem Solving

  • Volumetric reduction of the corpus callosum in temporal lobe epilepsy was of clinical significance with smaller volumes associated with poorer performance on measures of nonverbal problem solving, immediate memory, speeded complex psychomotor ability and fine motor dexterity [6].
  • All subjects were assessed on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, the Autobiographical Memory Test and the Mean Ends Problem-Solving procedure and also completed the Beck Depression Inventory, the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale, the Sociotropy Autonomy Scale and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Questionnaire [7].
  • RESULTS: Five individual studies that compared antidepressant or psychological treatments to placebo in patients with minor depression suggest short-term improvements in depressive symptoms with paroxetine, problem-solving therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy, but not with amitryptiline [8].
  • An adequate model was unable to be estimated, thus raising questions about the meaning of the latent construct planning/problem-solving and the psychometric structure of the Tower of London Test [9].
  • This article examines the influence of self-efficacy beliefs on problem-solving coping, functional disability, and psychological well-being for 101 recently diagnosed adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) [10].

High impact information on Problem Solving

  • INTERVENTIONS: Patients were randomly assigned to receive paroxetine (n = 137) or placebo (n = 140), starting at 10 mg/d and titrated to a maximum of 40 mg/d, or problem-solving treatment-primary care (PST-PC; n = 138) [11].
  • Do clozapine and risperidone affect social competence and problem solving [12]?
  • One measure (the Pin Test) correlated significantly with performance on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest the importance of combining motivational with instructional factors for training psychiatric patients in problem solving [13].
  • For example, the theory assumes that creative problem solving is improved, in part, because increased dopamine release in the anterior cingulate improves cognitive flexibility and facilitates the selection of cognitive perspective [14].
  • During the 12 intervention sessions with diabetic adolescents, different procedures were applied: instruction, blood glucose discrimination training, role-playing, relaxation exercises, self-instructions, problem-solving strategies, and homework, among others [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Problem Solving

  • METHODS: These three strategies of data analysis were applied to changes in regional cerebral blood flow induced by a visuospatial problem-solving task in 38 healthy subjects as measured by the intravenous xenon-133 method with 32 stationary detectors [16].
  • Amantadine recipients also performed less well on an objective test measuring sustained attention and problem-solving ability [17].
  • Data were collected from self-report questionnaires, from an interview rated for Expressed Emotion (EE) and from direct observation of a family problem solving task which was rated for evidence of Minuchin's 'psychosomatic family' dimensions [18].
  • The results showed significantly less impairment with treatment by diphenylhydantoin than by sulthiame, and substantial differences were revealed on intellectual tasks, on tasks calling for sustained concentration and attention, and on psychomotor problem-solving tasks [19].
  • This experiment compared the cardiovascular, cortisol and affective responses to a problem solving task of non-smoking young men (n = 16) and regular smokers randomised to overnight abstinence (n = 14) and smoking 30 min prior to testing (n = 19) [20].

Biological context of Problem Solving


Anatomical context of Problem Solving

  • We explored this deficit in problem solving by studying the performance of schizophrenic patients after receiving concrete and explicit instructions on how to do the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, a task thought to be mediated by prefrontal cortex [26].
  • In this paper, we examine in more detail the performance of 10 cytogenetically expressing women and 10 control women on 2 problem solving measures considered sensitive to frontal lobe functions: the Contingency Naming Test and the Tower of Hanoi [27].
  • Offspring assigned to the Cincinnati test system were evaluated for growth, mortality, incisor eruption, eye opening, vaginal patency, surface righting, negative geotaxis, pivoting, olfactory orientation, swimming ontogeny, figure-8 activity, and complex water maze (Biel) problem solving [28].
  • MR has a problem-solving role, and conventional venography is now limited to specific scenarios including evaluation of central DVT in the upper extremities, as a prelude to intervention for thrombolysis/thrombectomy, and prior to placement of an inferior vena cava filter [29].

Gene context of Problem Solving

  • Chronic anxiety adversely affects cognitive skills in all groups, and is associated with significantly greater decline in problem solving skills in cognitively normal APOE e4 HMZ [30].
  • Carcinoembryonic antigen testing can enhance problem solving in difficult cases and help prevent needless invasive interventions [31].
  • Conceptual understanding was assessed by the ability to spontaneously use such relational properties in problem solving (Task 1) and to recognize and explain them when prompted (Task 2) [32].
  • Deficient social problem-solving in boys with ODD/CD, with ADHD, and with both disorders [33].
  • Our data suggest that clinic-based problem-solving groups can be more effective with young adolescents with IDDM than conventional treatment in preventing the expected deterioration in blood glucose [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Problem Solving


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