MeSH Review:
Education, Special
- Sheltered homeless children: their eligibility and unmet need for special education evaluations. Zima, B.T., Bussing, R., Forness, S.R., Benjamin, B. American journal of public health. (1997)
- Self-esteem in special education children with ADHD: relationship to disorder characteristics and medication use. Bussing, R., Zima, B.T., Perwien, A.R. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (2000)
- Diagnostic utility of two commonly used ADHD screening measures among special education students. Bussing, R., Schuhmann, E., Belin, T.R., Widawski, M., Perwien, A.R. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (1998)
- Intellectual classification of Black and White children in special education programs using the WISC-III and the Cognitive Assessment System. Naglieri, J.A., Rojahn, J. American journal of mental retardation : AJMR. (2001)
- Mental health needs and services for severely troubled and troubling young people including young offenders in an N.H.S. region. Nicol, R., Stretch, D., Whitney, I., Jones, K., Garfield, P., Turner, K., Stanion, B. Journal of adolescence. (2000)
- Discrimination of DSM-IV and latent class attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder subtypes by educational and cognitive performance in a population-based sample of child and adolescent twins. Todd, R.D., Sitdhiraksa, N., Reich, W., Ji, T.H., Joyner, C.A., Heath, A.C., Neuman, R.J. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (2002)
- Cognitive and behavioral performance among FMR1 high-repeat allele carriers surveyed from special education classes. Sherman, S.L., Marsteller, F., Abramowitz, A.J., Scott, E., Leslie, M., Bregman, J. Am. J. Med. Genet. (2002)
- Screening for the fragile X syndrome among mentally retarded males by hair root analysis. Tunçbilek, E., Alikasifoğlu, M., Aktas, D., Duman, F., Yanik, H., Anar, B., Oostra, B., Willemsen, R. Am. J. Med. Genet. (2000)
- Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome in special education schools: a United Kingdom study. Eapen, V., Robertson, M.M., Zeitlin, H., Kurlan, R. J. Neurol. (1997)
- Special education needs of children with newly diagnosed epilepsy. Berg, A.T., Smith, S.N., Frobish, D., Levy, S.R., Testa, F.M., Beckerman, B., Shinnar, S. Developmental medicine and child neurology. (2005)
- Intranasal abuse of prescribed methylphenidate by an alcohol and drug abusing adolescent with ADHD. Jaffe, S.L. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (1991)
- The social construction of ability and disability: II. Optimal and at-risk lessons in a bilingual special education classroom. Ruiz, N.T. Journal of learning disabilities. (1995)
- Prenatal cocaine exposure and child development: what do we know and what do we do? Lester, B.M., LaGasse, L.L., Bigsby, R. Seminars in speech and language. (1998)
- Laser surgery of the larynx: the case for caution. Sataloff, R.T., Spiegel, J.R., Hawkshaw, M., Jones, A. Ear, nose, & throat journal. (1992)
- Variations in ADHD treatment among special education students. Bussing, R., Zima, B.T., Belin, T.R. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (1998)
- Concurrent validity of the Quick Test, the Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, and the WISC-R for a sample of special education students. Vance, B. Psychological reports. (1988)
- Service delivery to the handicapped: the role of the federal procurement process. Part I. Defining and funding programs in special education. Donaldson, W.S., Stephens, T.M. Journal of learning disabilities. (1979)
- Minority MMR overrepresentation and special education reform. Reschly, D.J. Exceptional children. (1988)
- Double-blind administration of methylphenidate to mentally retarded children with attention deficit disorder; a preliminary study. Varley, C.K., Trupin, E.W. American journal of mental deficiency. (1982)
- Stimulant treatment in Maryland public schools. Safer, D.J., Malever, M. Pediatrics (2000)