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Chemical Compound Review

Daytrana     methyl2-phenyl-2-(2- piperidyl)ethanoate

Synonyms: Metadate, Methylin, Ritaline, Centedrin, Ritalin, ...
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Disease relevance of Ritalin


Psychiatry related information on Ritalin


High impact information on Ritalin


Chemical compound and disease context of Ritalin


Biological context of Ritalin


Anatomical context of Ritalin

  • In contrast, addicts showed an increased response to methylphenidate in the thalamus (a region that conveys sensory input to the cortex) [22].
  • Administration of either amphetamine or methylphenidate evoked Fos-like immunoreactivity in a large number of neurons in the striatum and whole cortex, especially in the caudate nucleus and mediofrontal cortex, which are known to be dopaminergic targets [15].
  • That is, when subjects expected to receive methylphenidate but received placebo there were significant increases in ventral cingulate gyrus (BA 25) and nucleus accumbens (regions involved with emotional reactivity and reward) [23].
  • Methylphenidate-induced changes in the right orbitofrontal cortex and right striatum were associated with craving, and those in the prefrontal cortex were associated with mood [24].
  • Methylphenidate significantly increased "relative" (region relative to the whole brain) metabolism in the cerebellum and decreased it in the basal ganglia [25].

Associations of Ritalin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Ritalin


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ritalin


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