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Disease relevance of Neuronavigation

  • Surgical management of a ruptured posterior choroidal intraventricular aneurysm associated with moyamoya disease using frameless stereotaxy: case report and review of the literature [1].
  • In 214 patients, mainly with gliomas or pituitary adenomas or who needed surgery for epilepsy, we performed intraoperative MR imaging to monitor the extent of resection, allowing a second look for possible tumor remnants and also compensating for brain shift by an intraoperative update of neuronavigation [2].
  • The combination of an intraoperative CCT scanner with the pointer device neuronavigation system permits not only the intraoperative control of resection of brain tumors, but also (in about 20% of cases) the identification of otherwise invisible residual tumor tissue by intraoperative update of the neuronavigation data set [3].

High impact information on Neuronavigation

  • A frameless stereotaxy system was used to guide the TMS coil position over Wernicke's and F3Op areas in each subject [4].
  • Characterizing magnetic spike sources by using magnetoencephalography-guided neuronavigation in epilepsy surgery in pediatric patients [5].
  • METHODS: We evaluated the role of neuronavigation for reconstruction of large cranial defects with prefabricated titanium and intraoperatively constructed neuronavigation-assisted polymethylmethacrylate implants [6].
  • For the remaining 10 of 14 patients (71%), the dura of the floor of the sella and the planum sphenoidale was exposed, using neuronavigation to verify the limits of bony dissection; extracapsular tumor resection was performed using the operating microscope and endoscopy as indicated [7].
  • CONCLUSION: Fluoroscopic computer-assisted frameless stereotaxy furnishes accurate real-time information with regard to midline structures and operative trajectory [8].

Anatomical context of Neuronavigation


Associations of Neuronavigation with chemical compounds

  • The image guidance in axial, coronal, and sagittal planes provided by frameless stereotaxy was subjectively beneficial; it increased our confidence with the approach to the sella and intraoperative localization and was particularly helpful in reoperations where standard anatomic landmarks were distorted [11].
  • In the first group pretreatment with the non-selective beta-blocker propranolol before surgery, the current neuronavigation techniques, intraoperative embolisation and AVM nidus colouring in high flow AVM were used for total microsurgical excision of the lesions [12].

Gene context of Neuronavigation

  • METHOD: Between 1995 and 2002, 40 patients were treated for cavernous malformations microsurgically: 24 patients (group I) using a neuronavigation system (STP 4.0, SNN, Germany), 7 patients (group II) using ultrasound (Siemens Omnia with 5.0 MHz Probe) and 9 patients (group III) without any image guidance using anatomic landmarks [13].
  • A technique for frameless stereotaxy and placement of transarticular screws for atlanto-axial instability in rheumatoid arthritis [14].
  • METHODS: In all patients the planning procedure for the following image-guided surgery was realized using preoperative MRl data sets and a neuronavigation system (STP 4.0, SNN) [15].
  • RESULTS: Neuronavigation was most helpful in tumors of the hemispheres (particularly the central area) not visible at the cortical surface or resembling normal white matter, and in endoscopic procedures within small ventricles or cysts with non-translucent walls or when vision was blurred by cloudy CSF [16].
  • CONCLUSION: We demonstrate a new technique in a cadaveric specimen whereby the ALIF procedure is augmented with APS fixation using neuronavigation and fluoroscopy [17].


  1. Surgical management of a ruptured posterior choroidal intraventricular aneurysm associated with moyamoya disease using frameless stereotaxy: case report and review of the literature. Ali, M.J., Bendok, B.R., Getch, C.C., Gottardi-Littell, N.R., Mindea, S., Batjer, H.H. Neurosurgery (2004) [Pubmed]
  2. Intraoperative imaging with open magnetic resonance imaging and neuronavigation. Fahlbusch, R., Ganslandt, O., Nimsky, C. Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery. (2000) [Pubmed]
  3. Intraoperative computed tomography guided neuronavigation: concepts, efficiency, and work flow. Matula, C., Rössler, K., Reddy, M., Schindler, E., Koos, W.T. Comput. Aided Surg. (1998) [Pubmed]
  4. Modulation of language areas with functional MR image-guided magnetic stimulation. Andoh, J., Artiges, E., Pallier, C., Rivière, D., Mangin, J.F., Cachia, A., Plaze, M., Paillère-Martinot, M.L., Martinot, J.L. Neuroimage (2006) [Pubmed]
  5. Characterizing magnetic spike sources by using magnetoencephalography-guided neuronavigation in epilepsy surgery in pediatric patients. Iida, K., Otsubo, H., Matsumoto, Y., Ochi, A., Oishi, M., Holowka, S., Pang, E., Elliott, I., Weiss, S.K., Chuang, S.H., Snead, O.C., Rutka, J.T. J. Neurosurg. (2005) [Pubmed]
  6. Neuronavigation-assisted cranial reconstruction. Vougioukas, V.I., Hubbe, U., van Velthoven, V., Freiman, T.M., Schramm, A., Spetzger, U. Neurosurgery (2004) [Pubmed]
  7. Transsphenoidal approaches for the extracapsular resection of midline suprasellar and anterior cranial base lesions. Kaptain, G.J., Vincent, D.A., Sheehan, J.P., Laws, E.R. Neurosurgery (2001) [Pubmed]
  8. Fluoroscopic frameless stereotaxy for transsphenoidal surgery. Jane, J.A., Thapar, K., Alden, T.D., Laws, E.R. Neurosurgery (2001) [Pubmed]
  9. Early experiences with image-guided transoral surgery for the pathologies of the upper cervical spine. Veres, R., Bagó, A., Fedorcsák, I. Spine. (2001) [Pubmed]
  10. Neuronavigation and complication rate in epilepsy surgery. Oertel, J., Gaab, M.R., Runge, U., Schroeder, H.W., Wagner, W., Piek, J. Neurosurgical review. (2004) [Pubmed]
  11. Frameless stereotaxy for transsphenoidal surgery. Elias, W.J., Chadduck, J.B., Alden, T.D., Laws, E.R. Neurosurgery (1999) [Pubmed]
  12. Microsurgery for cerebral arteriovenous malformation management: a Siberian experience. Krivoshapkin, A.L., Melidy, E.G. Neurosurgical review. (2005) [Pubmed]
  13. Surgery of cavernous malformations with and without navigational support--a comparative study. Winkler, D., Lindner, D., Strauss, G., Richter, A., Schober, R., Meixensberger, J. Minimally invasive neurosurgery : MIN. (2006) [Pubmed]
  14. A technique for frameless stereotaxy and placement of transarticular screws for atlanto-axial instability in rheumatoid arthritis. Wigfield, C., Bolger, C. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society. (2001) [Pubmed]
  15. Cavernous malformations--navigational supported surgery. Winkler, D., Lindner, D., Trantakis, C., Strauss, G., Richter, A., Schober, R., Meixensberger, J. Minimally invasive neurosurgery : MIN. (2004) [Pubmed]
  16. Cranial neuronavigation in neurosurgery: assessment of usefulness in relation to type and site of pathology in 284 patients. Wagner, W., Gaab, M.R., Schroeder, H.W., Tschiltschke, W. Minimally invasive neurosurgery : MIN. (2000) [Pubmed]
  17. Augmentation of anterior lumbar interbody fusion with anterior pedicle screw fixation: demonstration of novel constructs and evaluation of biomechanical stability in cadaveric specimens. Karim, A., Mukherjee, D., Ankem, M., Gonzalez-Cruz, J., Smith, D., Nanda, A. Neurosurgery (2006) [Pubmed]
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