MeSH Review:
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- Decreased expression of ABCD4 and BG1 genes early in the pathogenesis of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Asheuer, M., Bieche, I., Laurendeau, I., Moser, A., Hainque, B., Vidaud, M., Aubourg, P. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2005)
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- A two-year trial of oleic and erucic acids ("Lorenzo's oil") as treatment for adrenomyeloneuropathy. Aubourg, P., Adamsbaum, C., Lavallard-Rousseau, M.C., Rocchiccioli, F., Cartier, N., Jambaqué, I., Jakobezak, C., Lemaitre, A., Boureau, F., Wolf, C. N. Engl. J. Med. (1993)
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- Elevated plasma adrenocorticotropin concentration as evidence of limited adrenocortical reserve in patients with adrenomyeloneuropathy. Blevins, L.S., Shankroff, J., Moser, H.W., Ladenson, P.W. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (1994)
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- Clinical and electrophysiological improvement of adrenomyeloneuropathy with steroid treatment. Zhang, L.X., Bakshi, R., Fine, E., Moser, H.W. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatr. (2003)
- Biochemical effect of intravenous arginine butyrate in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. McGovern, M.M., Wasserstein, M.P., Aron, A., Perrine, S.P. J. Pediatr. (2003)
- Adrenal steroids in adrenomyeloneuropathy. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, androstenedione and 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone. Wichers-Rother, M., Grigull, A., Sokolowski, P., Stoffel-Wagner, B., Köhler, W. J. Neurol. (2005)
- Visual evoked potentials in adrenoleukodystrophy: a trial with glycerol trioleate and Lorenzo oil. Kaplan, P.W., Tusa, R.J., Shankroff, J., Heller, J., Moser, H.W. Ann. Neurol. (1993)
- Characterization of a partial pseudogene homologous to the adrenoleukodystrophy gene and application to mutation detection. Braun, A., Kammerer, S., Ambach, H., Roscher, A.A. Hum. Mutat. (1996)
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- Genomic organization of the adrenoleukodystrophy gene. Sarde, C.O., Mosser, J., Kioschis, P., Kretz, C., Vicaire, S., Aubourg, P., Poustka, A., Mandel, J.L. Genomics (1994)
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- Membrane microviscosity is increased in the erythrocytes of patients with adrenoleukodystrophy and adrenomyeloneuropathy. Knazek, R.A., Rizzo, W.B., Schulman, J.D., Dave, J.R. J. Clin. Invest. (1983)
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- A novel point mutation in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy presenting as a spinocerebellar degeneration. Dunne, E., Hyman, N.M., Huson, S.M., Németh, A.H. Ann. Neurol. (1999)
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- Contiguous deletion of the X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy gene (ABCD1) and DXS1357E: a novel neonatal phenotype similar to peroxisomal biogenesis disorders. Corzo, D., Gibson, W., Johnson, K., Mitchell, G., LePage, G., Cox, G.F., Casey, R., Zeiss, C., Tyson, H., Cutting, G.R., Raymond, G.V., Smith, K.D., Watkins, P.A., Moser, A.B., Moser, H.W., Steinberg, S.J. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (2002)
- Human adrenoleukodystrophy protein and related peroxisomal ABC transporters interact with the peroxisomal assembly protein PEX19p. Gloeckner, C.J., Mayerhofer, P.U., Landgraf, P., Muntau, A.C., Holzinger, A., Gerber, J.K., Kammerer, S., Adamski, J., Roscher, A.A. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2000)
- Plasma levels of adrenomedullin in patients with adrenoleukodystrophy/adrenomyeloneuropathy. Letizia, C., D'Erasmo, E., Subioli, S., Di Biase, A., Benedetti, S., Bizzarri, C., Ubertini, G., Cappa, M. Horm. Res. (2005)
- Evaluation of the therapeutic potential of PPARalpha agonists for X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Rampler, H., Weinhofer, I., Netik, A., Forss-Petter, S., Brown, P.J., Oplinger, J.A., Bugaut, M., Berger, J. Mol. Genet. Metab. (2003)
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- Very long chain fatty acids in genetic peroxisomal disease fibroblasts: differences between the cerebro-hepato-renal (Zellweger) syndrome and adrenoleukodystrophy variants. Molzer, B., Korschinsky, M., Bernheimer, H., Schmid, R., Wolf, C., Roscher, A. Clin. Chim. Acta (1986)