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Color Perception

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Disease relevance of Color Perception


Psychiatry related information on Color Perception

  • The Farnsworth D-15 Test, the Lanthony New Color Test, and the City University Color Vision Test were administered to 32 patients with AD (ranging in dementia severity from mild to severe) and 32 age-matched normal control subjects (NCS) [6].
  • These results suggest that low exposure to styrene could affect some psychometric performance and may impair color vision [7].
  • Generally, the T0-T2 difference in MA was associated (Spearman's Rho) with differences in color vision (p < 0.001), simple reaction time (mean and standard deviation), digit span forward, tension, fatigue and the number of symptoms (p < 0.05); aiming precision showed a similar tendency (p < 0.10) [8].

High impact information on Color Perception


Chemical compound and disease context of Color Perception


Biological context of Color Perception


Anatomical context of Color Perception


Associations of Color Perception with chemical compounds


Gene context of Color Perception

  • Toward a physical map of the Xq28 region in man: linking color vision, G6PD, and coagulation factor VIII genes to an X-Y homology region [26].
  • RAD52 or RAD51 recombination-deficient yeast strains stabilize otherwise unstable YACs containing ribosomal DNA or the human color vision locus (Kohno et al., 1994) [27].
  • The gene for the neural cell adhesion molecule L1 (L1CAM) has been shown to be located close to the color vision pigment genes in mouse and man [28].
  • G6PD haplotypes spanning Xq28 from F8C to red/green color vision [29].
  • In addition, systematic analysis of the chromophore-binding pocket in rhodopsin and cone pigments has led to an improved understanding of the mechanism of the opsin shift, and of particular molecular determinants underlying color vision in humans [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Color Perception


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