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Gene Review

ABCD1  -  ATP-binding cassette, sub-family D (ALD),...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ABC42, ALD, ALDP, AMN, ATP-binding cassette sub-family D member 1, ...
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Disease relevance of ABCD1


Psychiatry related information on ABCD1


High impact information on ABCD1


Chemical compound and disease context of ABCD1


Biological context of ABCD1

  • These children have the earliest onset (age 7.2 +/- 1.7 years) among the clinical phenotypes for ABCD1 mutations, but onset does not occur at <3 years of age [1].
  • Mutations in DXS1357E and the ABCD1 promoter region have not been described previously [1].
  • Pxa1p, a putative ortholog of ALDP, is involved in peroxisomal beta-oxidation of fatty acids while YKL741 is an open reading frame found by the yeast genome sequencing project [21].
  • ALDP and PMP70 share sequence homology and both are implicated in genetic diseases [21].
  • These results provide the first evidence of both homo- and heterodimerization of mammalian ABC half-transporters and suggest that the loss of ALDP dimerization plays a role in X-ALD pathogenesis [22].

Anatomical context of ABCD1


Associations of ABCD1 with chemical compounds

  • Bidirectional sequencing of the entire coding ALD gene disclosed a cytosine to guanine transversion at nucleotide 1451 in exon five, resulting in substitution of proline 484 by arginine [27].
  • No differences were noted in daily retinol intake, but subjects with ALD had significantly lower concentrations of retinol in plasma (ALD1: 1.81+/-0.17 micromol/l [mean+/-S.E.M.]; ALD2: 1.95+/-0.24 micromol/l; ALD3: 0.67+/-0.13 micromol/l) compared to controls (2.76+/-0.19 micromol/l) [16].
  • To understand the cell biology and function of mammalian peroxisomal ABC transporters and to determine their role in the pathogenesis of X-ALD we developed a system for expressing functional ABC protein domains in fusion with the maltose binding protein [28].
  • The presence of increased concentrations of serum pipecolic acid and the bile acid intermediate, trihydroxycoprostanic acid, in the neonatal ALD patient are associated with a generalized diminution of peroxisomal activities that was not observed in the patient with X-linked ALD [29].
  • Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is an inherited disorder of fatty acid metabolism marked by accumulation of very long chain saturated fatty acids (VLCFA), especially the 26-carbon acid, hexacosanoic acid (HA), in membranes and tissues [30].

Physical interactions of ABCD1

  • Farnesylated wild-type PEX19p and a farnesylation-deficient mutant PEX19p did not differ in their ability to bind to ALDP [31].

Other interactions of ABCD1

  • Decreased expression of ABCD4 and BG1 genes early in the pathogenesis of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy [32].
  • The ALDR gene is a candidate for a modifier gene, accounting for the strikingly varying clinical courses of ALD observed even within a family [25].
  • The ALD gene has been positioned on a pulsed-field map between DXS15 and the L1CAM gene, about 650 kb upstream from the color pigment genes [4].
  • The PEX19p interaction occurs in an internal N-terminal region of ALDP which we verified to be important for proper peroxisomal targeting of this protein [31].
  • Human adrenoleukodystrophy protein and related peroxisomal ABC transporters interact with the peroxisomal assembly protein PEX19p [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ABCD1


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