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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Stimulation of myelin gene expression in vitro and of sciatic nerve remyelination by interleukin-6 receptor-interleukin-6 chimera.

Induction of myelin gene expression denotes the last stage of differentiation of myelinating glial cells. Following peripheral nerve transection, Schwann cells (SC) lose myelin gene expression and proliferate, resembling premyelinating embryonic SC (eSC). We show that a fusion protein of the soluble interleukin-6 receptor to interleukin-6 (IL6RIL6), a potent activator of the gp130 signaling receptor, is an inducer of MBP and Po gene products in rat E18 embryonic dorsal root ganglia (DRG) 3 day cultures. Cells whose growth is dependent on the IL6RIL6 chimera were isolated from DRG. These cells (designated CH cells) express Krox-20, as do promyelinating and myelinating SC (mSC). IL6RIL6 induces Po and MBP in CH cells and their cocultures with neurons. In addition, IL6RIL6 leads to a disappearance of Pax-3, a marker of eSC and nonmyelinating Schwann cells (nmSC). Glial fibrillary acidic protein, present in nmSC, is not significantly induced by IL6RIL6. The CH cells acquire glial morphology when exposed to IL6RIL6 and cover axons in cocultures. In a sciatic nerve-derived SC line, IL6RIL6 also induces Po and triggers a rapid attachment along axons. In vivo administration of IL6RIL6 intraperitoneally to rats after sciatic nerve transection and resuture increases 4-fold the number of myelinated nerve fibers (MF) measured on day 12, 2.5-5 mm distal to the suture. The stimulation by IL6RIL6 treatment is highest (7.1-fold) at the more distant 5 mm site, and the thickness of myelin sheaths is increased. Compared to known SC growth factors, the gp130 activator IL6RIL6 appears to combine both in vitro mitogenic effects and promotion of myelin gene expression.[1]


  1. Stimulation of myelin gene expression in vitro and of sciatic nerve remyelination by interleukin-6 receptor-interleukin-6 chimera. Haggiag, S., Zhang, P.L., Slutzky, G., Shinder, V., Kumar, A., Chebath, J., Revel, M. J. Neurosci. Res. (2001) [Pubmed]
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