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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Type 1 vanilloid receptor expression by mammalian inner ear ganglion cells.

The type 1 vanilloid receptor (VR1) is a non-specific cation channel activated by capsaicin, lipoxygenase (LOX) products, heat and acid. This study demonstrates VR1 and 5-LOX expression by inner ear ganglion cells. A PCR product (210 bp) was amplified from both oligo(dT)- and random primer-generated cDNAs of rat spiral ganglion cells using VR1 gene-specific primers constructed from the 3' non-homologous region. This PCR product shared 100% sequence homology to a rat VR1 cDNA (GenBank accession no. AF029310) and a rat vanilloid receptor splice variant mRNA (GenBank accession no. AF158248). Frozen sections of PLP-fixed, decalcified Long-Evans rat temporal bones were stained immunohistochemically for VR1. Neurons and satellite cells in both the vestibular and spiral ganglia were VR1-immunopositive. Neurons and supporting cells in adjacent sections of these ganglia were immunopositive for 5-LOX. These findings raise the hypothesis that activation of VR1 by endogenous ligands may contribute to hypersensitivity of the eighth nerve to hair cell inputs in a variety of pathologic conditions, such as tinnitus, Meniere's disease and migraine. In particular, these data suggest that LOX activation during inflammatory processes or during cyclo-oxygenase inhibition (e.g. by aspirin) is a potential intrinsic source of VR1 activation in inner ear ganglia.[1]


  1. Type 1 vanilloid receptor expression by mammalian inner ear ganglion cells. Balaban, C.D., Zhou, J., Li, H.S. Hear. Res. (2003) [Pubmed]
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