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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Podocytic cytoskeletal disaggregation and basement-membrane detachment in puromycin aminonucleoside nephrosis.

Puromycin aminonucleoside--(PAN) treated rats develop acute nephrotic syndrome, mimicking human minimal lesion disease. In PAN nephrosis, podocyte detachment from the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) is the most likely cause of massive proteinuria in this model. To elucidate further the mechanisms of PAN-induced cellular dysfunction, new methods were employed to visualize podocyte cytoskeletal aggregation and to measure fibrillar attachment to the GBM. Adult Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 4/group) received a single tail-vein injection of PAN (75 mg/kg). On days 1, 2, 3, and 5 following injection, 24-hour urine collections were obtained for creatinine clearance, albuminuria, and total proteinuria. Then kidneys from each group were fixed by perfusion. Podocytic cytoskeleton was visualized by scanning electron microscopy. Subepithelial GBM staining and attachment fiber number, observed on digitized images of transmission electron micrographs, were quantitated with computer-based density analysis. A significant reduction in attachment fiber number in the GBM lamina rara externa occurred by day 5. On scanning electron micrographs, the secondary and tertiary podocytic processes were observed to be formed by highly aggregated cytoskeleton, which became partially disaggregated by day 3, was totally absent by day 5, and normalized by day 20. Immunogold staining revealed that actin and vinculin localized to the tertiary podocytic processes in the normal state were dispersed into the cell body following PAN. Podocyte cytoskeletal disaggregation precedes, and detachment from the GBM occurs simultaneously with, the onset of massive proteinuria in the PAN model.[1]


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