Gene Review:
Emb - embigin
Rattus norvegicus
Embigin, Gp70
- The hypoglycemic activity of Zygophyllum gaetulum extracts in alloxan-induced hyperglycemic rats. Jaouhari, J.T., Lazrek, H.B., Jana, M. Journal of ethnopharmacology. (2000)
- Changes in gene expression patterns in the ureteric bud and metanephric mesenchyme in models of kidney development. Stuart, R.O., Bush, K.T., Nigam, S.K. Kidney Int. (2003)
- The in vivo form of the murine class VI POU protein Emb is larger than that encoded by previously described transcripts. Relaix, F., Molinari, S., Lemonnier, M., Schäfer, B., Buckingham, M. Gene (2004)
- Embigin, a developmentally expressed member of the immunoglobulin super family, is also expressed during regression of prostate and mammary gland. Guenette, R.S., Sridhar, S., Herley, M., Mooibroek, M., Wong, P., Tenniswood, M. Dev. Genet. (1997)