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Gene Review

Ntsr2  -  neurotensin receptor 2

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Low-affinity levocabastine-sensitive neurotensin receptor, NT-R-2, NT2R, NTR2, NTRL, ...
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High impact information on Ntsr2

  • The NTta, NTR1ta, and NTR3ta QTL were not linked to their respective structural genes, but there is a highly significant (p<0.001) association for NTR2ta on chromosome 12 that includes the Ntsr2 structural gene [1].
  • This neurotensin-mediated efflux is dramatically decreased in mice lacking NT1R while it is unaffected in NT2R-deleted mice [2].
  • Finally a high expression of NTRL was evident in brainstem structures implicated in descending antinociceptive influences (e.g., the periaqueductal gray, nucleus raphe magnus, gigantocellular reticular nucleus, pars alpha, and lateral paragigantocellular nucleus) consistent with the proposed mediation of NT-induced analgesia by the NTRL [3].
  • Levocabastine-sensitive neurotensin receptor (NTRL) mRNAs were localized by in situ hybridization in adult and developing mouse brain [3].
  • The highest concentrations of NTRL mRNA were detected in the olfactory system, olfactory tubercle, cerebral and cerebellar cortices, hippocampal formation, and selective hypothalamic nuclei [3].

Biological context of Ntsr2

  • In addition, we determined the chromosomal location of the Ntsr2 gene and mapped it at 6 cM from the centromere on chromosome 12 [4].
  • We also find a significant correlation between low-affinity neurotensin receptor densities (NTRL) in the frontal cortex and VEC, and more common QTL between these two phenotypes than expected by chance [5].

Anatomical context of Ntsr2

  • The expression of Ntsr2 mRNA was greater than that of Ntsr1 in the periaqueductal gray (PAG) and the rostral ventral medulla (RVM) [6].
  • Moderate to dense hybridization signal was also observed in association with a variety of auditory, visual, and somatosensory relay nuclei, suggesting that the NTRL might be involved in a widespread modulation of primary afferent pathways [3].
  • In cerebral cortex, the developmental increase in NTRL expression was correlated over time with the decrease in NTRH expression previously documented in the rat, suggesting a progressive takeover of the latter by the former for transduction of the effects of NT in this structure [3].
  • The recently cloned new subtype of G protein-coupled neurotensin receptor (NTRL) was stably expressed in the HEK 293 cell line in order to investigate its binding and internalization properties [7].

Associations of Ntsr2 with chemical compounds


Other interactions of Ntsr2

  • To address nociceptive function in vivo, we generated both Ntsr1-deficient and Ntsr2-deficient mice [6].
  • In addition, histochemical analyses of both Ntsr1 and Ntsr2 mRNAs were performed in the mouse brain regions involved in NT-related nociception [6].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ntsr2


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  2. Specific involvement of neurotensin type 1 receptor in the neurotensin-mediated in vivo dopamine efflux using knock-out mice. Leonetti, M., Brun, P., Clerget, M., Steinberg, R., Soubrié, P., Renaud, B., Suaud-Chagny, M.F. J. Neurochem. (2004) [Pubmed]
  3. Regional and cellular distribution of low affinity neurotensin receptor mRNA in adult and developing mouse brain. Sarret, P., Beaudet, A., Vincent, J.P., Mazella, J. J. Comp. Neurol. (1998) [Pubmed]
  4. Mouse neurotensin receptor 2 gene (Ntsr2): genomic organization, transcriptional regulation and genetic mapping on chromosome 12. Sun, Y.J., Maeno, H., Aoki, S., Wada, K. Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res. (2001) [Pubmed]
  5. Common quantitative trait loci for alcohol-related behaviors and CNS neurotensin measures: voluntary ethanol consumption. Gehle, V.M., Erwin, V.G. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. (1998) [Pubmed]
  6. Comparison of mice deficient in the high- or low-affinity neurotensin receptors, Ntsr1 or Ntsr2, reveals a novel function for Ntsr2 in thermal nociception. Maeno, H., Yamada, K., Santo-Yamada, Y., Aoki, K., Sun, Y.J., Sato, E., Fukushima, T., Ogura, H., Araki, T., Kamichi, S., Kimura, I., Yamano, M., Maeno-Hikichi, Y., Watase, K., Aoki, S., Kiyama, H., Wada, E., Wada, K. Brain Res. (2004) [Pubmed]
  7. Stable expression of the mouse levocabastine-sensitive neurotensin receptor in HEK 293 cell line: binding properties, photoaffinity labeling, and internalization mechanism. Botto, J.M., Chabry, J., Sarret, P., Vincent, J.P., Mazella, J. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1998) [Pubmed]
  8. Beta-lactotensin and neurotensin rapidly reduce serum cholesterol via NT2 receptor. Yamauchi, R., Ohinata, K., Yoshikawa, M. Peptides (2003) [Pubmed]
  9. Identification and expression of a variant isoform of the levocabastine-sensitive neurotensin receptor in the mouse central nervous system. Botto, J.M., Sarret, P., Vincent, J.P., Mazella, J. FEBS Lett. (1997) [Pubmed]
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