Gene Review:
Lefty2 - left-right determination factor 2
Mus musculus
6030463A22Rik, AV214969, Ebaf, Left-right determination factor 2, Left-right determination factor B, ...
- lefty-1 is required for left-right determination as a regulator of lefty-2 and nodal. Meno, C., Shimono, A., Saijoh, Y., Yashiro, K., Mochida, K., Ohishi, S., Noji, S., Kondoh, H., Hamada, H. Cell (1998)
- Determination of left/right asymmetric expression of nodal by a left side-specific enhancer with sequence similarity to a lefty-2 enhancer. Adachi, H., Saijoh, Y., Mochida, K., Ohishi, S., Hashiguchi, H., Hirao, A., Hamada, H. Genes Dev. (1999)
- Tcf3: a transcriptional regulator of axis induction in the early embryo. Merrill, B.J., Pasolli, H.A., Polak, L., Rendl, M., García-García, M.J., Anderson, K.V., Fuchs, E. Development (2004)
- Nodal signaling induces the midline barrier by activating Nodal expression in the lateral plate. Yamamoto, M., Mine, N., Mochida, K., Sakai, Y., Saijoh, Y., Meno, C., Hamada, H. Development (2003)
- Two closely-related left-right asymmetrically expressed genes, lefty-1 and lefty-2: their distinct expression domains, chromosomal linkage and direct neuralizing activity in Xenopus embryos. Meno, C., Ito, Y., Saijoh, Y., Matsuda, Y., Tashiro, K., Kuhara, S., Hamada, H. Genes Cells (1997)
- Left-right patterning of the mouse lateral plate requires nodal produced in the node. Saijoh, Y., Oki, S., Ohishi, S., Hamada, H. Dev. Biol. (2003)
- A role of the cryptic gene in the correct establishment of the left-right axis. Gaio, U., Schweickert, A., Fischer, A., Garratt, A.N., Müller, T., Ozcelik, C., Lankes, W., Strehle, M., Britsch, S., Blum, M., Birchmeier, C. Curr. Biol. (1999)
- Lefty is expressed in mouse endometrium in estrous cycle and peri-implantation period. Tang, M., Xu, Y., Julian, J., Carson, D., Tabibzadeh, S. Hum. Reprod. (2005)
- Foxj1 regulates asymmetric gene expression during left-right axis patterning in mice. Zhang, M., Bolfing, M.F., Knowles, H.J., Karnes, H., Hackett, B.P. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2004)
- The Foxh1-dependent autoregulatory enhancer controls the level of Nodal signals in the mouse embryo. Norris, D.P., Brennan, J., Bikoff, E.K., Robertson, E.J. Development (2002)
- Tissue-specific requirements for the proprotein convertase furin/SPC1 during embryonic turning and heart looping. Constam, D.B., Robertson, E.J. Development (2000)