Gene Review:
CTSS - cathepsin S
Bos taurus
- Cathepsin S. The cysteine proteinase from bovine lymphoid tissue is distinct from cathepsin L (EC Kirschke, H., Schmidt, I., Wiederanders, B. Biochem. J. (1986)
- Cathepsin S from bovine spleen. Purification, distribution, intracellular localization and action on proteins. Kirschke, H., Wiederanders, B., Brömme, D., Rinne, A. Biochem. J. (1989)
- Kinetics of inhibition of bovine cathepsin S by bovine stefin B. Turk, B., Colić, A., Stoka, V., Turk, V. FEBS Lett. (1994)
- The complete amino acid sequence of bovine cathepsin S and a partial sequence of bovine cathepsin L. Ritonja, A., Colić, A., Dolenc, I., Ogrinc, T., Podobnik, M., Turk, V. FEBS Lett. (1991)
- Bovine cathepsins S and L: isolation and amino acid sequences. Dolenc, I., Ritonja, A., Colić, A., Podobnik, M., Ogrinc, T., Turk, V. Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler (1992)
- Primary structure of bovine cathepsin S. Comparison to cathepsins L, H, B and papain. Wiederanders, B., Broemme, D., Kirschke, H., Kalkkinen, N., Rinne, A., Paquette, T., Toothman, P. FEBS Lett. (1991)
- Accumulation of catalytically active proteases in lacrimal gland acinar cell endosomes during chronic ex vivo muscarinic receptor stimulation. Rose, C.M., Qian, L., Hakim, L., Wang, Y., Jerdeva, G.Y., Marchelletta, R., Nakamura, T., Hamm-Alvarez, S.F., Mircheff, A.K. Scand. J. Immunol. (2005)
- The specificity and elastinolytic activities of bovine cathepsins S and H. Xin, X.Q., Gunesekera, B., Mason, R.W. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (1992)