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Gene Review

PGRP-LC  -  Peptidoglycan recognition protein LC

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: (PGRP)-LC, CG4432, Dm PGRP-LC, Dmel\CG4432, Immune response deficient 7 protein, ...
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Disease relevance of PGRP-LC


High impact information on PGRP-LC


Biological context of PGRP-LC


Anatomical context of PGRP-LC

  • In this study, we have further analyzed the specific PG molecular requirements for Imd activation through the pattern recognition receptor PGRP-LC in both cultured cell line and in flies [8].

Physical interactions of PGRP-LC

  • The presence of a defective peptidoglycan-docking groove, while preserving a unique role in mediating monomeric peptidoglycan induction of immune response, suggests that PGRP-LCa recognizes the exposed structural features of a monomeric muropeptide when the latter is bound to and presented by the ectodomain of PGRP-LCx [9].

Other interactions of PGRP-LC

  • PGRP-LCx, the default peptidoglycan receptor of the Imd/Relish pathway, has strong affinity for all polymeric peptidoglycans tested and for monomeric peptidoglycan [10].
  • The crystal structure at 2.1 angstrom resolution of TCT in complex with the ectodomains of PGRP-LCa and PGRP-LCx shows that TCT is bound to and presented by the LCx ectodomain for recognition by the LCa ectodomain; the latter lacks a canonical peptidoglycan-docking groove conserved in other PGRPs [11].


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