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Chemical Compound Review

DIAMINOPIMELIC ACID     2,6-diaminoheptanedioic acid

Synonyms: M-DAP, D,L-DAP, L,L-DAP, LL-A2pm, ACMC-1BN66, ...
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Disease relevance of DIAMINOPIMELIC ACID


High impact information on DIAMINOPIMELIC ACID

  • When a chromosomal or plasmid-borne copy of ampD was present, the amount of pentapeptide-containing muropeptides in the cell wall increased upon addition of the cell wall constituent diaminopimelic acid to the growth medium [6].
  • Here we report that Gram-negative diaminopimelic acid-type peptidoglycan is the most potent inducer of the Imd pathway and that the Toll pathway is predominantly activated by Gram-positive lysine-type peptidoglycan [7].
  • Enzyme digestion of CW, in particular by lysozyme, was found to reduce a PG characteristic component (diaminopimelic acid) without altering CW antitumor activity [8].
  • The diaminopimelic acid (DAP)-type peptidoglycan potently activates imd-dependent induction of antibacterial peptides [9].
  • Diaminopimelic acid, also formed by this enzymatic pathway, is an integral component of bacterial cell walls, thus making ASADH an attractive target for the development of new antibiotics [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of DIAMINOPIMELIC ACID


Biological context of DIAMINOPIMELIC ACID


Anatomical context of DIAMINOPIMELIC ACID


Associations of DIAMINOPIMELIC ACID with other chemical compounds




Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of DIAMINOPIMELIC ACID


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