Gene Review:
hhex - hematopoietically expressed homeobox
Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis
Hex, Hex1, XHex, hmph, hox11l-pen, ...
- IDX-1: a new homeodomain transcription factor expressed in rat pancreatic islets and duodenum that transactivates the somatostatin gene. Miller, C.P., McGehee, R.E., Habener, J.F. EMBO J. (1994)
- Hex is a transcriptional repressor that contributes to anterior identity and suppresses Spemann organiser function. Brickman, J.M., Jones, C.M., Clements, M., Smith, J.C., Beddington, R.S. Development (2000)
- An anterior signalling centre in Xenopus revealed by the homeobox gene XHex. Jones, C.M., Broadbent, J., Thomas, P.Q., Smith, J.C., Beddington, R.S. Curr. Biol. (1999)
- The XHex homeobox gene is expressed during development of the vascular endothelium: overexpression leads to an increase in vascular endothelial cell number. Newman, C.S., Chia, F., Krieg, P.A. Mech. Dev. (1997)