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Gene Review

nec  -  necrotic

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG1857, Dmel\CG1857, NEC, Nec, SER3, ...
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Disease relevance of nec

  • Nec was expressed in Escherichia coli, and the purified protein folded to the active native conformation required for protease inhibitory activity [1].
  • In addition, we identify two nec mutations homologous to an antithrombin point mutation that is responsible for neonatal thrombosis [2].
  • These necrotic mutations are temperature sensitive, which is in keeping with the temperature-dependent polymerization of serpins in vitro and the role of childhood fevers in exacerbating liver disease in Z alpha-antitrypsin deficiency [2].

High impact information on nec

  • Spaetzle was cleaved by proteolytic enzymes to its active ligand form shortly after immune challenge, and cleaved Spaetzle was constitutively present in Spn43Ac-deficient flies [3].
  • Hence, Spn43Ac negatively regulates the Toll signaling pathway, and Toll does not function as a pattern recognition receptor in the Drosophila host defense [3].
  • Drosophila mojavensis adults, which breed and feed on necrotic cacti, show an increase in longevity when exposed to atmospheric ethanol [4].
  • The validity of the fruit-fly as a model of human disease has been confirmed in a striking way by Green and colleagues.1 They show that the mutations causing a necrotic disease phenotype in Drosophila, precisely mirror those resulting in a group of well-studied but perplexing diseases in the human [5].
  • Transgenic flies carrying an S>F amino-acid substitution equivalent to that found in Siiyama-variant antitrypsin (nec(S>F.UAS)) fail to complement nec-null mutations and demonstrate a dominant temperature-dependent inactivation of the wild-type nec allele [2].

Biological context of nec

  • The TOLL-mediated immune response to fungal infections is constitutively activated in nec mutants and pleiotropic phenotypes include melanization and cellular necrosis [6].
  • The nec gene corresponds to Spn43Ac, one of a cluster of three putative serine proteinase inhibitors at 43A1.2, on the right arm of chromosome 2 [6].
  • Small stress protein expression enhances the survival of mammalian cells exposed to numerous injuries that induce necrotic cell death [7].
  • Cells suffer necrotic death when exposed to extreme environmental conditions, adverse and excessive stimuli, or when deleterious mutations are encoded in their genetic material [8].
  • Mutant germ cells do not undergo programmed cell death, but instead undergo a necrotic-type death, and their general poor health apparently prevents surviving germ cells from forming gametes [9].

Anatomical context of nec

  • These phenotypes include neural degeneration in the eye and in the optic lobe of the adult brain that begins 60 hr after pupariation and produces a dark, necrotic eye spot in the adult eye [10].
  • During early limb development Dlx-5 is also expressed in the mesoderm at the anterior margin of the limb bud and in a discrete group of mesodermal cells at the mid-proximal posterior margin that corresponds to the posterior necrotic zone [11].

Associations of nec with chemical compounds

  • We show that necrotic mutations that are identical to the Z-deficiency variant of alpha(1)-antitrypsin form urea-stable polymers in vivo [2].
  • Necrotic carries a polyglutamine extension amino-terminal to the core serpin structure [12].
  • Acridine orange appears to selectively stain apoptotic forms of death in these preparations, since cells undergoing necrotic deaths were not significantly labelled [13].
  • The lysine to glutamine substitutions had no effect on the overall structure of recombinant Necrotic protein but abolished the formation of stable complexes with target proteases [14].
  • Necrotic contains three basic lysine residues within the D-helix that are homologous to those found in the heparin-binding domain of antithrombin and heparin co-factor II [14].

Regulatory relationships of nec

  • These data show that Necrotic is likely to inhibit a wide range of proteases in Drosophila and that Nec has the specificity requirements to act as the physiological inhibitor of Persephone in vivo [1].

Other interactions of nec

  • This finding indicates that cleavage of the Necrotic amino-terminal extension might modulate Toll activation following the initial immune response [12].
  • The necrotic gene in Drosophila corresponds to one of a cluster of three serpin transcripts mapping at 43A1.2 [6].
  • The Msx-1 transcripts were found in the limb mesenchymal cells in the region covering the necrotic zone and ectodermal cells overlying such mesenchymal cells [15].
  • Despite the homology to other serpins, Necrotic did not bind, nor was it activated by sulfated glycans [14].
  • Several species of columnar cacti in the Sonoran Desert contain isoquinoline alkaloids that are toxic to all but the resident drosophilids that feed and breed in necrotic stems [16].


  1. Characterization of the necrotic protein that regulates the Toll-mediated immune response in Drosophila. Robertson, A.S., Belorgey, D., Lilley, K.S., Lomas, D.A., Gubb, D., Dafforn, T.R. J. Biol. Chem. (2003) [Pubmed]
  2. Drosophila necrotic mutations mirror disease-associated variants of human serpins. Green, C., Brown, G., Dafforn, T.R., Reichhart, J.M., Morley, T., Lomas, D.A., Gubb, D. Development (2003) [Pubmed]
  3. Constitutive activation of toll-mediated antifungal defense in serpin-deficient Drosophila. Levashina, E.A., Langley, E., Green, C., Gubb, D., Ashburner, M., Hoffmann, J.A., Reichhart, J.M. Science (1999) [Pubmed]
  4. Extension of longevity in Drosophila mojavensis by environmental ethanol: differences between subraces. Starmer, W.T., Heed, W.B., Rockwood-Sluss, E.S. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1977) [Pubmed]
  5. What can Drosophila tell us about serpins, thrombosis and dementia? Carrell, R., Corral, J. Bioessays (2004) [Pubmed]
  6. The necrotic gene in Drosophila corresponds to one of a cluster of three serpin transcripts mapping at 43A1.2. Green, C., Levashina, E., McKimmie, C., Dafforn, T., Reichhart, J.M., Gubb, D. Genetics (2000) [Pubmed]
  7. Small stress proteins as novel regulators of apoptosis. Heat shock protein 27 blocks Fas/APO-1- and staurosporine-induced cell death. Mehlen, P., Schulze-Osthoff, K., Arrigo, A.P. J. Biol. Chem. (1996) [Pubmed]
  8. Death by necrosis. Uncontrollable catastrophe, or is there order behind the chaos? Syntichaki, P., Tavernarakis, N. EMBO Rep. (2002) [Pubmed]
  9. The phenotype of mes-2, mes-3, mes-4 and mes-6, maternal-effect genes required for survival of the germline in Caenorhabditis elegans, is sensitive to chromosome dosage. Garvin, C., Holdeman, R., Strome, S. Genetics (1998) [Pubmed]
  10. Blackpatch, a neural degeneration mutation that interacts with the Notch locus in Drosophila. Duus, K.M., Welshons, W.J., Girton, J.R. Dev. Biol. (1992) [Pubmed]
  11. The expression pattern of the Distal-less homeobox-containing gene Dlx-5 in the developing chick limb bud suggests its involvement in apical ectodermal ridge activity, pattern formation, and cartilage differentiation. Ferrari, D., Sumoy, L., Gannon, J., Sun, H., Brown, A.M., Upholt, W.B., Kosher, R.A. Mech. Dev. (1995) [Pubmed]
  12. Immune challenge induces N-terminal cleavage of the Drosophila serpin Necrotic. Pelte, N., Robertson, A.S., Zou, Z., Belorgey, D., Dafforn, T.R., Jiang, H., Lomas, D., Reichhart, J.M., Gubb, D. Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  13. Programmed cell death during Drosophila embryogenesis. Abrams, J.M., White, K., Fessler, L.I., Steller, H. Development (1993) [Pubmed]
  14. Inhibitory activity of the Drosophila melanogaster serpin Necrotic is dependent on lysine residues in the D-helix. Robertson, A.S., Belorgey, D., Gubb, D., Dafforn, T.R., Lomas, D.A. J. Biol. Chem. (2006) [Pubmed]
  15. Chicken homeobox gene Msx-1: structure, expression in limb buds and effect of retinoic acid. Yokouchi, Y., Ohsugi, K., Sasaki, H., Kuroiwa, A. Development (1991) [Pubmed]
  16. Response of Drosophila melanogaster to selection for P450-mediated resistance to isoquinoline alkaloids. Fogleman, J.C. Chem. Biol. Interact. (2000) [Pubmed]
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