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Gene Review

gsc  -  goosecoid homeobox

Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis

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High impact information on gsc

  • Overexpression of Eomes dorsalizes ventral mesoderm, inducing gsc and changing cell fate to muscle and notochord [1].
  • Molecular nature of Spemann's organizer: the role of the Xenopus homeobox gene goosecoid [2].
  • XIPOU 2 is capable of binding a class III POU protein binding site (CATTAAT) that is located within the gsc promoter, in the activin-inducible (distal) element [3].
  • A recent paper by Watabe et al.(1) describes the identification, in the promoter region of the organizer-specific gene goosecoid, of two distinct growth factor responsive elements that are required for the regulation of this gene both in vitro and in vivo [4].
  • Unexpectedly, lithium treatment on its own resulted in gsc expression in the animal half explants [5].

Anatomical context of gsc

  • Additionally, based on the expression of gsc, Xbra, and Xnot, we show that the organizer is patterned both at the early gastrula stage and prior to the appearance of bottle cells [6].
  • We find that co-expression of Pintallavis, but not goosecoid, with Brachyury causes formation of dorsal mesoderm, including notochord [7].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of gsc

  • Double stainings of gsc/Xbra transcripts and mitotic nuclei in ectopic and endogenous lips demonstrated that non-mitotic cells occur in the bottle cell region and, to a lesser extent, in the gsc domain which both are indicative of high TGF-beta signalling [8].


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