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Staining and Labeling

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Disease relevance of Staining and Labeling

  • A comparison of E-CD stainings between primary tumors and their metastatic lesions showed similar results in both synchronous and relapse metastases after therapy [1].
  • To test this hypothesis we compared morphological patterns and immunohistochemical beta-catenin stainings in colonic adenomas and adenocarcinomas with the gastrulation steps [2].
  • Immunoperoxidase stainings for C3 and C9 were performed on liver sections; they showed endothelial deposits of C3 and C9 in the control group subjected to ischemia [3].
  • In histochemical stainings it was found that in carcinomas and in the two specimens classified as group III (containing the most extensive metaplastic changes at disposal), the intracellular mucin was mainly neutral or nonsulfated acidic [4].
  • The MMP-2 immunoreactive protein was evaluated from primary adenocarcinoma of the breast in 453 cases by using a specific monoclonal antibody in immunohistochemical stainings [5].

High impact information on Staining and Labeling


Chemical compound and disease context of Staining and Labeling

  • Immunohistochemical stainings of gp 52 in the formol-fixed sections were almost the same as those of the whole MTV virion, and the results on various cases were as follows: In the mice with endogenous GR-MTV, positivity was first observed at the age of 14 days, while the first expression of exogenous GR-MTV was delayed to the age of 140 days [10].

Biological context of Staining and Labeling


Anatomical context of Staining and Labeling


Associations of Staining and Labeling with chemical compounds

  • Histological examination was performed using aldehyde fuchsin, Grimelius', and Hellerström-Hellman's stainings, and immunoperoxidase labeling of insulin and gastrin [20].
  • The heparan sulfate proteoglycan was found to codistribute with fibronectin, and fibronectin and laminin gave coincidental stainings [21].
  • Positive myeloperoxidase and/or sudan black-B stainings and CD13 positivity in these cases were consistent with the presence of a myeloid involvement [22].
  • Immunohistochemical stainings using specific antibodies that recognize epitopes of each adduct were performed from liver biopsy specimens obtained at 1, 5, and 12 months from micropigs fed either control diet (n = 5) or ethanol-containing diets (n = 5) [23].
  • The histopathological examination with anti-human Hb antibody, hematoxylin/eosin, and oil red O stainings showed that HbV was metabolized within 7 days [24].

Gene context of Staining and Labeling

  • Double immunofluorescence stainings demonstrated coexpression of the CD2 antigen and myeloid markers and allowed the recognition of multiple AML subpopulations [25].
  • Immunofluorescence stainings of ILK-hk cells indicated disturbed ILK and paxillin membrane localization with concomitant decrease in focal adhesions [26].
  • Immunohistochemical stainings using anti-EGF and anti-TGF alpha antibodies showed a specific staining in ampullary oviduct epithelium at late follicular and luteal stages, but the stainings were very weak at early follicular stage [27].
  • As expected, p21 and p53 stainings were inversely related to each other (P < 0.001) [28].
  • Immunohistochemical stainings using anti-ICAM-1 antibodies demonstrated a marked increase of ICAM-1 in the ischemic cortex over the nonischemic cortex or the sham-operated samples [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Staining and Labeling


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