Gene Review:
CUL1 - cullin 1
Arabidopsis thaliana
ATCUL1, AUXIN RESISTANT 6, AXR6, T10P11.26, T10P11_26
- The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis. Dharmasiri, S., Dharmasiri, N., Hellmann, H., Estelle, M. EMBO J. (2003)
- Arabidopsis AXR6 encodes CUL1 implicating SCF E3 ligases in auxin regulation of embryogenesis. Hellmann, H., Hobbie, L., Chapman, A., Dharmasiri, S., Dharmasiri, N., del Pozo, C., Reinhardt, D., Estelle, M. EMBO J. (2003)
- Regulation of flower development in Arabidopsis by SCF complexes. Ni, W., Xie, D., Hobbie, L., Feng, B., Zhao, D., Akkara, J., Ma, H. Plant Physiol. (2004)
- SKP1-SnRK protein kinase interactions mediate proteasomal binding of a plant SCF ubiquitin ligase. Farrás, R., Ferrando, A., Jásik, J., Kleinow, T., Okrész, L., Tiburcio, A., Salchert, K., del Pozo, C., Schell, J., Koncz, C. EMBO J. (2001)
- The ASK1 and ASK2 genes are essential for Arabidopsis early development. Liu, F., Ni, W., Griffith, M.E., Huang, Z., Chang, C., Peng, W., Ma, H., Xie, D. Plant Cell (2004)
- The axr6 mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana define a gene involved in auxin response and early development. Hobbie, L., McGovern, M., Hurwitz, L.R., Pierro, A., Liu, N.Y., Bandyopadhyay, A., Estelle, M. Development (2000)
- Ethylene signaling pathway. Stepanova, A.N., Alonso, J.M. Sci. STKE (2005)
- The Arabidopsis EIN3 Binding F-Box Proteins EBF1 and EBF2 Have Distinct but Overlapping Roles in Ethylene Signaling. Binder, B.M., Walker, J.M., Gagne, J.M., Emborg, T.J., Hemmann, G., Bleecker, A.B., Vierstra, R.D. Plant Cell (2007)
- Role of the MPN Subunits in COP9 Signalosome Assembly and Activity, and Their Regulatory Interaction with Arabidopsis Cullin3-Based E3 Ligases. Gusmaroli, G., Figueroa, P., Serino, G., Deng, X.W. Plant Cell (2007)
- CUL4 associates with DDB1 and DET1 and its downregulation affects diverse aspects of development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Bernhardt, A., Lechner, E., Hano, P., Schade, V., Dieterle, M., Anders, M., Dubin, M.J., Benvenuto, G., Bowler, C., Genschik, P., Hellmann, H. Plant J. (2006)
- The Arabidopsis cullin AtCUL1 is modified by the ubiquitin-related protein RUB1. del Pozo, J.C., Estelle, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1999)
- The SCF(COI1) ubiquitin-ligase complexes are required for jasmonate response in Arabidopsis. Xu, L., Liu, F., Lechner, E., Genschik, P., Crosby, W.L., Ma, H., Peng, W., Huang, D., Xie, D. Plant Cell (2002)